Fogo Island Co-Operatives build four longliners -- Regional Development Association formed on the Northwest Coast -- CAPS completes second season -- The future of the fishery : an optimistic view -- the future of the fishery : a less optimistic view -- Construction materials for fishing vessels -- Longliners vs. trawlers -- Women’s Institutes of Canada -- Geographers compile information on Newfoundland -- The Cartwright Courier : an editorial evaluation -- Winter courses for fishermen -- Film on community development.Frequency: irregular, vol. 1 - vol. 2, no. 3 (1968-73); bimonthly, vol. 2, no. 4 - vol. 22, no. 2 (1973-93); not published March-October 1982, May-July 1991.The first publication entitled Decks Awash was a 1964-65 newsletter s...