Ode to Newfoundland / Sir Cavendish Boyle -- Newfoundland fights -- Our staff / Kathleen Young -- Nostalgia / Margo Myers Bruce -- Ports of call (S.S. Northern Ranger) -- Glimpses of a great man / Patricia Knapp -- Dogteam Tavern tales / Catherine Vaughn -- Alumni news -- Among alumnae authors -- The Grenfell Associations.Includes map: Grenfell Stations and other places of interest to the Association, and Twillingate, the location of the Notre Dame Bay Memorial Hospital (p. [33]).Among the Deep Sea Fishers: the Official Organ of the International Grenfell Association. This journal was published quarterly from 1903 to 1981 with the twofold purpose of providing "a record of Mission activities [and] also a strong and convincing appeal to every...