St. Anthony items / John M. Little, Jr., Jesse Halsey -- Jottings from Harrington / H. Mather Hare, M.H. Dickson -- Form of bequest in aid of the work of the Labrador Medical Mission -- Pilley's Island items / H.P. Greeley, M.D., Margaret I. Gleason -- Pilley's Island hospital / Wilfred T. Grenfell -- Items from the Grenfell Association of America / J.L.G., Secretary -- Items from the New England Grenfell Association / E.E.W., Secretary -- Canadian notes / J.G. -- Report of the Labrador Needlework Guild of Canada for 1912 / Elizabeth Macklem -- Report of the Women's Guild of the Chicago branch of the Grenfell Association / Dorothy Stirling -- Doctor Grenfell's log / Wilfred T. Grenfell -- The anti-tuberculosis work / Marjorie Y. Wakefield -...