“Eye special” -- Cruising northern waters / Paul B. Sheldon, M.D. -- How shall I remember Forteau? / Elaine Groves Harp -- Summer on the Strathcona, part 1 / Charles S. Curtis -- Our staff on the coast -- "In books, in works, in healthful play" / Esther Dueck -- The Grenfell Associations -- Alumni -- About clothing contributions.Includes map: [Newfoundland and Labrador] (inside back cover).Among the Deep Sea Fishers: the Official Organ of the International Grenfell Association. This journal was published quarterly from 1903 to 1981 with the twofold purpose of providing "a record of Mission activities [and] also a strong and convincing appeal to every supporter and friend of Dr. Grenfell's work." The articles describe mission life, services ...