Winter chronicle / C. S. Curtis, M.D. -- Happy Christmas, everyone / Sophie E. Parker -- Blue Dolphin expeditions / David C. Nutt -- Women's work / Dorothy M. Jupp, R.N. -- The Jessie Goldthwait Dairy / Charles S. Curtis, M.D. -- Maraval 1950 / Charles S. Curtis, M.D. -- I.G.A Financial Report / H. C. Holt, W. R. Creighton -- The customers are satisfied / Frances Winter -- Alumni news -- The Grenfell Associations.Includes pictorial map : [Newfoundland and Labrador] (back cover), showing hospitals and nursing stations.Among the Deep Sea Fishers: the Official Organ of the International Grenfell Association. This journal was published quarterly from 1903 to 1981 with the twofold purpose of providing "a record of Mission activities [and] also a...