Dec. 16? [1963] meeting in Secretary's office the week before Christmas...SLU, Carr, Dominy, Holum McCarthy... PACIFIC WATER PLAN NOTES.... The Upper Basin, regardless of annual stream flow, is required by the Colorado River (Santa Fe) Compact to deliver 75 million acre feet every 10 years (averaging 7,500,000 annually) to the Lower Basin at Lee Ferry. California gets, under the Supreme Court decree, 4.4 million annually; of this, Metropolitan Water District gets 550,000 acre feet. Palo Verde Imperial Coachella Mexico, under the 1954 treaty, gets 1.5 million, theoretically from both upper and lower basins, but exact source undecided--or is it? It is estimated that channel losses total 1.2 million acre feet annually and that evaporatio...