7. Surface-Water Resources Investigations (USGS--Expansion of stream gaging programs) 8. Water Quality and Waste Management (USBR, USGS) a. Determination of water quality b. Means of water quality management 9. Water Salvage (USBR, USGS, BIA, BLM) a. Phreatophyte control b. Nonbeneficial consumptive use c. Channel losses 10. Research in General Hydrology (USBR, USGS) 11. Topographic and Geologic Mapping Program (USGS) 12. Minerals Resource Assessment (USGS, Mines) 13. Availability and Transportation of Fossil Fuels (Mines) 14. Recreation, Cultural and Scientific Programs (BOR, NPS, F&WL) Power Requirements and Sources--(USBR, OSW, Mines, BPA) Power Marketing--(USBR--Including possibilities for establishment of a uniform marketing...