CONFIDENTIAL INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY AND WATER COMMISSION UNITED STATES AND MEXICO 206 SAN FRANCISCO STREET EL PASO, TEXAS 79950 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 1859 Ciudad Juárez, Chih., July 1, 1964 MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: The two Commissioners and the two Secretaries. SUBJECT: Colorado River Salinity DISTRIBUTION: ARA/MEX; AmEmbassy, Mexico, D. F.; the Commissioner; PE(S); PE; OE; Secy. Colorado River Salinity: Commissioner Friedkin presented to the Mexican Commissioner the proposal for a permanent and effective solution contained in Annex B accompanying Washington Draft of June 30. He summarized orally the proposal, following in general the points covered in the attached out line drawn from the "United States Negotiat...