Umax Powerlook 2100XL, 400 dpi, 8 bit, 12,154,968 bytesMr. Hayden. You think that, to start with, we should figure on charging the cost of this project to 80,000 acres? Mr. Reed. From eighty to ninety thousand acres, but bringing up the water measurements and making a study of them for the last few years since we have made a study may change that a little. Mr. Hayden. On the basis of 80,000 acres, figuring in the cost of the dam at five and a half million dollars, and the cost of these other works that have heretofore been constructed, which would be for the benefit of the project, what does that make the charge per acre? Mr. Reed. $81. Mr. Hayden. Do you consider that such a charge that the productivity of the land would justify making the...