Umax Powerlook 2100XL, 400 dpi, 8 bit, 11,577,020 bytesMr. Hayden. Of which how much has already been appropriated? Mr. Reed. $400,000 is available up to June 30, this year, and I think that the bill finally carried, or does still read $200,000, or $250,000 for the next year. Mr. Hayden. All that you need to complete the main canal, the Pima lateral is about $100,000. Mr. Reed. About $100,000. The Ashurst-Hayden dam was completed within the estimate of $250,000. I think the expense estimated now is $248,000. Mr. Hayden. There is an existing canal system and laterals for the lands in private ownership and you contemplate no appropriation out of the Treasury of the United States to carry the water from the main canal to the land belonging to ...