OS7000 Zeutschel, 400 dpi, 8 bit, 16,644,596 byteswould be $19,800, and for the bridge across the Gila River, including the change in the course of the river and approaches, $45,500. There is inclosed a copy of a report of November 2, 1912, addressed to the Indian Office by Supervisor of Construction John Charles, who made an investigation of the conditions, together with copies of the plans, specifications, etc., which accompanied his report.Respectfully,WALTER L. FISHER, Secretary.----Denver, Colo., November 2, 1912. The COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, Washington, D. C. SIR: I respectfully submit herewith surveys, drawings, and specifications and estimates for two bridges, one across the San Carlos and one across the Gila River, on the Wh...