Zeutschel OS7000, 400 dpi, 8 bit, 9,080,860 bytes60th Congress, 2d Session, Senate, Report No. 778-BRIDGE ACROSS LITTLE COLORADO RIVER, ARIZONA.-January 18, 1909.--Ordered to be printed.---Mr. Taylor, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following REPORT. [To accompany S. 7883.] The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom the above bill was referred, having examined the same, make favorable report thereon and incorporate in their report letter of the Secretary of the Interior of December 14, 1908, recommending the same.---Department of the Interior,Washington, December 14, 1908.Sir: There is inclosed a draft of a bill authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to construct a bridge across the Little Colorado River, abutting on th...