OS7000, 8 bit, 400 dpi, 8,260,000 bytesThree miles to the south of Chee's store a similar creek was found which runs through a mud channel 75 feet wide and 20 feet deep, where the lieutenant thinks the Navajos, if enterprising, could construct a brush-wood dam two feet high which would water 2,000 sheep.From Chee's store the lieutenant and detachment marched down Ca±on Del Muerto, discovering on the way some soil banks similar to those in Ca±on De Chelly, and reached Chin Lee's store on October 9 last, where a well 3 feet in depth was dug which furnished an abundance of water, and from which point he made side trips on the western slope of the Chin Lee Valley. He states that in this locality there should be bored three artesian wells, from ...