ABSTRAK Peningkatan produktivitas padi telah diupayakan di Indonesia sejak tahun 1970-an, dalam rangka meningkatkan pendapatan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat serta meningkatkan ketahanan pangan nasional. Permasalahan serius pada budidaya padi pada lahan sawah bukaan baru tersebut adalah keracunan Fe yang menyebabkan terjadinya defisensi hara, kerusakan sel tanaman, defisit air yang menyebabkan terhambatnya pertumbuhan tanaman. Adanya suatu program seleksi terhadap beberapa varietas padi diperlukan untuk menghasilkan tanaman yang toleran terhadap cekaman lingkungan sawah bukaan baru seperti kadar ion Fe 2+ 2+ tinggi. Penelitian dilaksanakan dirumah kawat, dilaboratorium dan di lapangan, antara lain (1) Rumah Kawat BBI Lubuk Minturun ...
As a staple food of people in Indonesia, rice reserve must be met sufficiently. The effort to fulfil...
Nurhasanah, lestari HS, Sunaryo W. 2019. The response of East Kalimantan, Indonesia local rice culti...
This article 'Iron toxicity tolerance of rice cultivars in acid sulfate soils of Indonesia' appeared...
The developing plant cultivation at tidal land has constrained related to Fe2+ stressing which inhib...
The main obstacle to increase rice yield in new opening paddy fields, is that high levels of dissolv...
Utilization of marginal lands such as tidal land should be done to increase rice production as a sol...
Excess of reduced iron (Fe2+) will affect the plant growth of rice when it is grown under waterlogge...
Abstract. Novianti V, Indradewa D, Maryani, Rachmawati D. 2020. Selection of local swamp rice cultiv...
Abstract. Maruapey A, Wicaksana N, Karuniawan A, Utami DW, Windarsih G. 2020. Swampy rice lines perf...
Recently rice field in Ultisol has some problems, the most important thing is high concentration of ...
Agricultural development in Indonesia began to be directed to marginal land as a result of reduced f...
Productivity of land in Java insel decreased. Therefore, it is necessary to utilize marginal Fe toxi...
Iron toxicity is a factor causing low rice yield on tidal swamp land (TSL).Soil quality improvement ...
Iron toxicity could limit rice productivity on irrigated lowland acid and swampy soil. The use of ir...
Indonesian rice production in 2014 amounted to 70.8 million tons, a decline in production of0.5 mill...
As a staple food of people in Indonesia, rice reserve must be met sufficiently. The effort to fulfil...
Nurhasanah, lestari HS, Sunaryo W. 2019. The response of East Kalimantan, Indonesia local rice culti...
This article 'Iron toxicity tolerance of rice cultivars in acid sulfate soils of Indonesia' appeared...
The developing plant cultivation at tidal land has constrained related to Fe2+ stressing which inhib...
The main obstacle to increase rice yield in new opening paddy fields, is that high levels of dissolv...
Utilization of marginal lands such as tidal land should be done to increase rice production as a sol...
Excess of reduced iron (Fe2+) will affect the plant growth of rice when it is grown under waterlogge...
Abstract. Novianti V, Indradewa D, Maryani, Rachmawati D. 2020. Selection of local swamp rice cultiv...
Abstract. Maruapey A, Wicaksana N, Karuniawan A, Utami DW, Windarsih G. 2020. Swampy rice lines perf...
Recently rice field in Ultisol has some problems, the most important thing is high concentration of ...
Agricultural development in Indonesia began to be directed to marginal land as a result of reduced f...
Productivity of land in Java insel decreased. Therefore, it is necessary to utilize marginal Fe toxi...
Iron toxicity is a factor causing low rice yield on tidal swamp land (TSL).Soil quality improvement ...
Iron toxicity could limit rice productivity on irrigated lowland acid and swampy soil. The use of ir...
Indonesian rice production in 2014 amounted to 70.8 million tons, a decline in production of0.5 mill...
As a staple food of people in Indonesia, rice reserve must be met sufficiently. The effort to fulfil...
Nurhasanah, lestari HS, Sunaryo W. 2019. The response of East Kalimantan, Indonesia local rice culti...
This article 'Iron toxicity tolerance of rice cultivars in acid sulfate soils of Indonesia' appeared...