ABSTRAK Artikel ini menganalisis pelaku penyalah guna narkotika anak dalam perspektif victimologi sehingga tujuan artikel ini untuk mendapatkan kejelasan, mengkaji dan menganalisis mengenai kebijakan hukum pidana mengenai viktimisasi anak penyalah guna narkotika.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian normatif yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan secara kepustakaan dengan mendeskripsikan hukum positif, mensistematisasi, menginterprestasikan, menilai, dan menganalisis hukum positif tersebut.Hasil penelitian pelaku anak sebagai penyalah guna narkotika menunjukan pemidanan berupa pidana penjara masih dominan dibandingkan sanksi untuk direhabilitasi.Hal ini menunjukan bahwa anak sebagai penyalah guna narkotika dalam perspektif hukum pidana saat ini masi...
Penyalahgunaan narkoba tidak lagi merupakan kejahatan tanpa korban melainkan sudah merupakan kejahat...
Drug abuse is an extraordinary crime that destroys the order of family life,society and the school e...
This research is intended to review “Criminal Imposition of Children in the Indonesian Child Crimina...
Penyalahgunaan dan peredaran Narkotika sudah merambah sampai kesemua kalangan menjadi korban. Tujuan...
Drug abuse by children is currently a concern of many people and continues to be discussed and publi...
The study aims to determine if the cause of the child to commit a criminal offence narcotics, knowin...
The problem of solving narcotics is a national problem and an International problem that never stop ...
Children as perpetrators of criminal acts are often the subject of debate and special attention in t...
The rise of narcotics abuse not looking at age, either from teenagers to adults. Abuse and circulati...
ABSTRACTThe use of children as perpetrators of narcotics misuse is a very extraordinary crime becaus...
One crime that often occurs in Indonesia is drug use. Protection of children in a national society i...
This research aims to analyze the application of the law towards criminal abuse of narcotics committ...
ABSTRACT Drug abuse is an act that seems to be commonplace in Indonesia. The misuse of narcotics con...
This study examines the Criminology Review of Narcotics Offenses committed by Children in the Legal ...
Drug abuse is a form of victimless crime. Although there is still debate about victimless crime in c...
Penyalahgunaan narkoba tidak lagi merupakan kejahatan tanpa korban melainkan sudah merupakan kejahat...
Drug abuse is an extraordinary crime that destroys the order of family life,society and the school e...
This research is intended to review “Criminal Imposition of Children in the Indonesian Child Crimina...
Penyalahgunaan dan peredaran Narkotika sudah merambah sampai kesemua kalangan menjadi korban. Tujuan...
Drug abuse by children is currently a concern of many people and continues to be discussed and publi...
The study aims to determine if the cause of the child to commit a criminal offence narcotics, knowin...
The problem of solving narcotics is a national problem and an International problem that never stop ...
Children as perpetrators of criminal acts are often the subject of debate and special attention in t...
The rise of narcotics abuse not looking at age, either from teenagers to adults. Abuse and circulati...
ABSTRACTThe use of children as perpetrators of narcotics misuse is a very extraordinary crime becaus...
One crime that often occurs in Indonesia is drug use. Protection of children in a national society i...
This research aims to analyze the application of the law towards criminal abuse of narcotics committ...
ABSTRACT Drug abuse is an act that seems to be commonplace in Indonesia. The misuse of narcotics con...
This study examines the Criminology Review of Narcotics Offenses committed by Children in the Legal ...
Drug abuse is a form of victimless crime. Although there is still debate about victimless crime in c...
Penyalahgunaan narkoba tidak lagi merupakan kejahatan tanpa korban melainkan sudah merupakan kejahat...
Drug abuse is an extraordinary crime that destroys the order of family life,society and the school e...
This research is intended to review “Criminal Imposition of Children in the Indonesian Child Crimina...