Pemberlakuan Hak Ulayat melalui lahirnya Undang-Undang nomor 5 tahun 1960 tentang Pokok-Pokok Agraria dan Peraturan Menteri Agraria/ Kepala BPN nomor 5 tahun 1999 secara langsung memberikan harapan keadilan terhadap penguasaan dan pemilikan tanah masyarakat Hukum Adat di Indonesia. Namun pada kenyataannya hukum positif yang mengatur mengenai Hak Ulayat ini masih menimbulkan suatu ambivalensi dan belum diatur secara jelas, sehingga pemerintah masih dapat bertindak sewenang-wenang. Hak ulayat yang merupakan hak penguasaan tertinggi masyarakat hukum adat masih sangat sering dikesampingkan, dan bahkan dirampas oleh Pemerintah, seperti pada sengketa perampasan Hak Ulayat yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah dan PT Freeport pada Suku Amungme di Papua. ...
The background of this paper is the recognition of The Customary Rights of land (Hak Ulayat) in Arti...
Land has a very important meaning in human life, because most of human life depends on the land. The...
Adat law in Indonesia cannot be denied its existence. This is because adat law has existed from gene...
Pemberlakuan Hak Ulayat melalui lahirnya Undang-Undang nomor 5 tahun 1960 tentang Pokok-Pokok Agrari...
Recognition of the existence of customary rights by Article 3 of the Basuc Agrarian Law is a natural...
Recognition of the existence of customary rights by Article 3 of the Basuc Agrarian Law is a natural...
Recognition of the existence of customary rights by Article 3 of the Basuc Agrarian Law is a natural...
Recognition of the existence of customary rights by Article 3 of the Basuc Agrarian Law is a natural...
In national law, the existence of recognition of customary law, over ownership and management of cus...
Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kepemilikan dan pengolahan tanah dan memahami rasa keadilan b...
The development of ownership of land rights in Indonesia develops in line with the developments of t...
Land is represent one of very elementary asset stateof Indonesia because state and nation live and e...
Penelitian ini membahas tentang masalah mengenai masyarakat hukum adat terutama hak mengusai terhada...
AbstrakHak pakai atas tanah dapat dijadikan sebagai objek hak tanggungan. Ketentuan yang mengatur ad...
Abstrak: Konsep negara hukum (Rechstaat atau rule of law) adalah konsep yang menempatkan hukum sebag...
The background of this paper is the recognition of The Customary Rights of land (Hak Ulayat) in Arti...
Land has a very important meaning in human life, because most of human life depends on the land. The...
Adat law in Indonesia cannot be denied its existence. This is because adat law has existed from gene...
Pemberlakuan Hak Ulayat melalui lahirnya Undang-Undang nomor 5 tahun 1960 tentang Pokok-Pokok Agrari...
Recognition of the existence of customary rights by Article 3 of the Basuc Agrarian Law is a natural...
Recognition of the existence of customary rights by Article 3 of the Basuc Agrarian Law is a natural...
Recognition of the existence of customary rights by Article 3 of the Basuc Agrarian Law is a natural...
Recognition of the existence of customary rights by Article 3 of the Basuc Agrarian Law is a natural...
In national law, the existence of recognition of customary law, over ownership and management of cus...
Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kepemilikan dan pengolahan tanah dan memahami rasa keadilan b...
The development of ownership of land rights in Indonesia develops in line with the developments of t...
Land is represent one of very elementary asset stateof Indonesia because state and nation live and e...
Penelitian ini membahas tentang masalah mengenai masyarakat hukum adat terutama hak mengusai terhada...
AbstrakHak pakai atas tanah dapat dijadikan sebagai objek hak tanggungan. Ketentuan yang mengatur ad...
Abstrak: Konsep negara hukum (Rechstaat atau rule of law) adalah konsep yang menempatkan hukum sebag...
The background of this paper is the recognition of The Customary Rights of land (Hak Ulayat) in Arti...
Land has a very important meaning in human life, because most of human life depends on the land. The...
Adat law in Indonesia cannot be denied its existence. This is because adat law has existed from gene...