With consistent and probably sustainable growth rates around 5- 6 per cent, Indonesia is moving into an extended period of favourable demographics, with a lower dependency ratio than most Asian countries, including China (Basri, 2012, p. 30). As South East Asia's largest power, Indonesia is prima ante pares within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Indonesia is also prominent within the wider regional diplomatic architecture, including the Asia-Pacific Economic Community (APEC), ASEAN+3 (China, South Korea and Japan) and its extension: the East Asia Summit (EAS). Indonesia was the principal architect of the latter, an ASEAN+8 which added India, the USA, Russia, Australia and New Zealand (Tjhin, 2012, p. 311). A founder of t...
The South China Sea is known as the second busiest sea lane in the world after the Suez Canal in Egy...
Following the lead of Chinese Diaspora, Indonesia has now started looking at the strength of Indones...
Summary: The emergence of the Indo-Pacific as a key geostrategic construct has given Indonesia incre...
As Indonesia\u27s economy grows, it is increasingly being referred to as a rising middle power and t...
As China’s rise threatens the Indo-Pacific, Indonesia aspires for regional leadership. In this thesi...
Indonesia’s foreign policy stance toward China is a significant issue as it is a major player and a ...
Indonesia is readying itself for a return to a diplomatic assertiveness not seen since the early 196...
As tension in South China Sea has been risen, pundits and scholars quickly forgot how manageable it ...
This study provides an assessment of Indonesia’s relations with the United States and China, with a ...
The success of China’s economic modernization surprised the international community. The 21st Centur...
The discussion of regional leadership in Southeast Asia tends to be dominated by analysis of the rel...
At present, China is making a tremendous growth at multiple fronts and the threshold of the growth h...
While Indonesia under Jokowi can be expected to continue to take unilateral action to reinforce the ...
While lack of elite consensus in Indonesia is impeding a stronger balancing policy towards China, J...
This essay is motivated by an interest in a particular aspect of Indonesian foreign policy. Indonesi...
The South China Sea is known as the second busiest sea lane in the world after the Suez Canal in Egy...
Following the lead of Chinese Diaspora, Indonesia has now started looking at the strength of Indones...
Summary: The emergence of the Indo-Pacific as a key geostrategic construct has given Indonesia incre...
As Indonesia\u27s economy grows, it is increasingly being referred to as a rising middle power and t...
As China’s rise threatens the Indo-Pacific, Indonesia aspires for regional leadership. In this thesi...
Indonesia’s foreign policy stance toward China is a significant issue as it is a major player and a ...
Indonesia is readying itself for a return to a diplomatic assertiveness not seen since the early 196...
As tension in South China Sea has been risen, pundits and scholars quickly forgot how manageable it ...
This study provides an assessment of Indonesia’s relations with the United States and China, with a ...
The success of China’s economic modernization surprised the international community. The 21st Centur...
The discussion of regional leadership in Southeast Asia tends to be dominated by analysis of the rel...
At present, China is making a tremendous growth at multiple fronts and the threshold of the growth h...
While Indonesia under Jokowi can be expected to continue to take unilateral action to reinforce the ...
While lack of elite consensus in Indonesia is impeding a stronger balancing policy towards China, J...
This essay is motivated by an interest in a particular aspect of Indonesian foreign policy. Indonesi...
The South China Sea is known as the second busiest sea lane in the world after the Suez Canal in Egy...
Following the lead of Chinese Diaspora, Indonesia has now started looking at the strength of Indones...
Summary: The emergence of the Indo-Pacific as a key geostrategic construct has given Indonesia incre...