1990-1991 / 1-2. sz. 1 KIEFER, F.: Preface 5 BECKER, TH.: Do words have heads? 7 BIERWISCH, M.: Event nominalizations: proposals and problems 21 BOTHA, R. P.: Minding one's metatheory in doing morphology 87 BURANI, C.: The lexical representation of prefixed words: data from production tasks 97 DRESSLER, W. U.-DOLESCHAL, U.: Gender agreement via derivational morphology 117 KETTEMANN, B.: At the phonology/morphology interface 141 KIEFER, F.: Noun incorporation in Hungarian 151 LAUDANNA, A.: The role of inflectional morphology in lexical processing 181 ZWANENBURG, W.: French deverbal nouns and argument structure 191 1990-1991 / 3-4....