Martinez,Feb.8,1910My dear OsbornI\u27m delighted to get word of you after such a long blank palaeozoic silence- and to learn you are coming hither ere long-all of you I hopeSince a [illegible?]ailroad was built to the western boundary of the park Yosemite in accessible all the year. tho April and May are perhaps the best months. I\u27m glad you are in our Hetch Hetchy fight. Christian up and smite them , is capitalLast week I was at the Los Angeles Saber-tooth Tiger beds, a wonderful lot of monuments that doubtless you will examine. Give my love to Mrs Osborn & the children,- he whole nestful I suppose full fledged and away.My Wing on Wing memories are warmly cherished & grow brighterwith the passing years. Pinchot seems to have lost his ...