November 26, 1901.R.W.GILDER EDITOR.R.U.JOHNSON,ASSOCIATE EDITOR.C.C.BUEL,ASSISTANT EDITOR.My dear Muir:(1) I thank you for your letter of the 17th of November. How you do startle us! Hero we have been boning you for years for your autobiography (which was our original suggestion), and you calmly talk to us of Houghton, Mifflin Cc Co. and other publishers in connection with that work![illegible] If that goes to any other publisher we shall get up on our hind legs and get out an injunction, even if the matter has to be carried up to the Supreme Court, and I want you to know that I am on good terms with Justice Me-Kenna.That autobiography is for us whether it is ever written or not.The Century is accustomed to furnish ideas for other publishe...