1425 Central Ave.,Indianapolis,April 26th, 1901.My dear Mr. Muir:I took your last letter over to Mrs. Victor Hendricks, for them to enjoy too. The last week of Miss Eliza\u27s life she was delirious and although they had a nurse Mrs. Hendricks was worn out - has been ill since. Mr. H. has taken her away. Before leaving she sent me a note, from which I quote, When you write to dear Mr. Muir please remember Mr. Hendricks and me to him most affectionately. His visit to our home was delightful to us. You say truly the Hendricks family show the best in human nature. The pure peculiar sweetness of that home, makes it a light in this community. The Mother\u27s room was the center of that home, and though the children were growing old how gladl...