The trend for many types of electronic products is toward higher operating frequencies or digital bit rates. At high frequencies, signal propagation is concentrated at the surface of interconnects, a phenomenon known as the skin effect. Degradation of interconnects, such as cracking of solder joints due to fatigue or shock loading, also usually initiates at the surface and propagates inward. Therefore, even a small crack at the surface of a solder joint may change RF impedance and adversely affects the performance of high speed electronic circuits. Traditional methods used to monitor interconnect reliability are based on measurement of DC resistance. More accurate and sensitive alternatives are required for monitoring the reliability of cur...
Electronic systems are exposed to stress conditions during their life cycle. Chemical substances suc...
A 3-D model was developed for numerically simulating the effect of solder joint cracking on impedanc...
Solder joints are among the most common failure sites in electronic assemblies. This paper presents ...
The trend for many types of electronic products is toward higher operating frequencies or digital bi...
Abstract — Many types of electronic products are now operating at higher frequencies or digital bit ...
Traditional methods used to monitor interconnect reliability are based on measurement of dc resistan...
Many types of electronic products are now operating at higher frequencies or digital bit rates. At h...
Measurements based on DC resistance have traditionally been used to monitor the reliability of elect...
This paper presents RF impedance analysis as a nondestructive indicator of interconnect failure mech...
For electronic products, interconnect failures may occur due to mechanisms such as fatigue, creep, c...
Many failures in electronics result from the loss of electrical continuity of common board-level int...
Solder joints in electronic assemblies are one of the major failure sites under thermal, mechanical ...
Electronics are subjected to thermal, mechanical or chemical stress conditions during their operatio...
This paper examines the effect of intermediate stages of interconnect failure on the characteristics...
The reliability of electronic assemblies is largely affected by the health of interconnects, such as...
Electronic systems are exposed to stress conditions during their life cycle. Chemical substances suc...
A 3-D model was developed for numerically simulating the effect of solder joint cracking on impedanc...
Solder joints are among the most common failure sites in electronic assemblies. This paper presents ...
The trend for many types of electronic products is toward higher operating frequencies or digital bi...
Abstract — Many types of electronic products are now operating at higher frequencies or digital bit ...
Traditional methods used to monitor interconnect reliability are based on measurement of dc resistan...
Many types of electronic products are now operating at higher frequencies or digital bit rates. At h...
Measurements based on DC resistance have traditionally been used to monitor the reliability of elect...
This paper presents RF impedance analysis as a nondestructive indicator of interconnect failure mech...
For electronic products, interconnect failures may occur due to mechanisms such as fatigue, creep, c...
Many failures in electronics result from the loss of electrical continuity of common board-level int...
Solder joints in electronic assemblies are one of the major failure sites under thermal, mechanical ...
Electronics are subjected to thermal, mechanical or chemical stress conditions during their operatio...
This paper examines the effect of intermediate stages of interconnect failure on the characteristics...
The reliability of electronic assemblies is largely affected by the health of interconnects, such as...
Electronic systems are exposed to stress conditions during their life cycle. Chemical substances suc...
A 3-D model was developed for numerically simulating the effect of solder joint cracking on impedanc...
Solder joints are among the most common failure sites in electronic assemblies. This paper presents ...