Indonezja to kraj ogromnie zróżnicowany pod kątem mozaiki kulturowej oraz unikalności grup etnicznych, co miało nieprawdopodobnie wielki wpływ podczas unifikacji kraju. Rząd indonezyjski poprzez narzucanie autorytarnych struktur przyczynił się do zjednoczenia zarówno elit jak i klanów, co doprowadziło do walki o własne dziedzictwo, a konsekwencją było wytworzenie tożsamości oporu. W pracy omówione zostały trzy obszary charakteryzujące się odmiennymi czynnikami powodującymi dysharmonię a głównym celem pracy jest ukazanie istoty konfliktów etnicznych w Indonezji oraz określenie najważniejszych przyczyn z nimi związanych. Podczas analizy źródeł empirycznych zaobserwowano cechę charakterystyczną wybuchu konfliktów etnicznych. Miały one związek ...
The emergence of conflicts lands of indigenous peoples in Indonesia due to the lack of government at...
Socio-cultural factors are dominant factors widen the conflict. The research objective was to unders...
Agenda ethnic assimilation in Indonesia often take a lot ofattention, given the realities of multi-e...
One of the most vulnerable issues to be the trigger for conflict is the issue of identity. The sense...
Indonezja, kraj wieloetniczny, który funkcjonuje na fundamencie zasad moralnych Pancasili, stanowiąc...
The aim of this paper is to explore how cultural differences influence ethnic grouping, and how ethn...
The ethnic conflict in Indonesia is a sign of huge problems facing Jakarta and local areas Indonesia...
Indonesia is an area that is unstable and prone to conflict. Confronted in a variety of social probl...
The social history of Indonesia has recorded many types of conflict with serious impacts. The charac...
Conflict often occured when two ethnic groups or more clashed. Some of the ethnic group conflicts oc...
Indonesia is a nation richly blessed in heritage and culture. Its population consisted of 656 ethnic...
A violent conflict emerged in the Indonesian province of Aceh in 1976, with the rebels of the Free A...
Social disaster, such as Lampung conflict, is dangerous. It can lead to many losses, either material...
This thesis examines the way in which the dominant, Western-centric narrative of ethnopolitics limit...
Ethnic conflict occurs when there are differences in the physical characteristics and cultural behav...
The emergence of conflicts lands of indigenous peoples in Indonesia due to the lack of government at...
Socio-cultural factors are dominant factors widen the conflict. The research objective was to unders...
Agenda ethnic assimilation in Indonesia often take a lot ofattention, given the realities of multi-e...
One of the most vulnerable issues to be the trigger for conflict is the issue of identity. The sense...
Indonezja, kraj wieloetniczny, który funkcjonuje na fundamencie zasad moralnych Pancasili, stanowiąc...
The aim of this paper is to explore how cultural differences influence ethnic grouping, and how ethn...
The ethnic conflict in Indonesia is a sign of huge problems facing Jakarta and local areas Indonesia...
Indonesia is an area that is unstable and prone to conflict. Confronted in a variety of social probl...
The social history of Indonesia has recorded many types of conflict with serious impacts. The charac...
Conflict often occured when two ethnic groups or more clashed. Some of the ethnic group conflicts oc...
Indonesia is a nation richly blessed in heritage and culture. Its population consisted of 656 ethnic...
A violent conflict emerged in the Indonesian province of Aceh in 1976, with the rebels of the Free A...
Social disaster, such as Lampung conflict, is dangerous. It can lead to many losses, either material...
This thesis examines the way in which the dominant, Western-centric narrative of ethnopolitics limit...
Ethnic conflict occurs when there are differences in the physical characteristics and cultural behav...
The emergence of conflicts lands of indigenous peoples in Indonesia due to the lack of government at...
Socio-cultural factors are dominant factors widen the conflict. The research objective was to unders...
Agenda ethnic assimilation in Indonesia often take a lot ofattention, given the realities of multi-e...