Ajurweda (āyurveda), czyli „nauka o długim życiu”, stanowi jedną z kilku tradycji medycznych wywodzących się z subkontynentu indyjskiego. Jak wynika z klasycznych sanskryckich kompendiów medycznych, przedmiot zainteresowań tejże nauki stanowi nie tylko zdrowie fizyczne, lecz w równej mierze także umysłowe. Pośród kilku rodzajów zaburzeń umysłowych choroby typu unmada (unmāda) zostały wnikliwie omówione przez autorów traktatów ajurwedyjskich. Ćarakasamhita (Carakasaṃhitā), uznawana za jeden z najstarszych i najbardziej autorytatywnych tekstów ajurwedyjskich, prezentuje unmadę w wyczerpujący sposób, przedstawiając jej klasyfikację, przyczyny, objawy i zalecane przeciw niej terapie.Āyurveda, or 'the science of longevity', is one of several Ind...
The perfect balance of Mind and body is considered as complete health in Pāli literature as well as ...
Celem pracy jest omówienie relacji między Ajurwedą a hinduizmem na podstawie opisanych w tej tradycj...
Mental health is analytical marker of an individual’s overall well-being, along with his/her physica...
Schizoaffective disorder is a chronic mental health problem characterized by symptoms of Schizophren...
The development of civilization of mankind witnessed evolution of medical science and in this regard...
Ayurveda is thought to be ‘The Science of Life’, and therefore the follow involves the care of physi...
Among all the psychological disorders, depression is the most common mental disorder nowadays. Accor...
In the present era every human being who is running for survival is facing some kind of mental or ps...
The complexity of modern life leads humans to adapt to create a healthy life behind the hustle and b...
Ayurveda is the life science and practice that involve the care of the human being's physical, menta...
Bhuta vidya (Ayurvedic psychiatry) is one of the eight specialties of Ayurveda. It deals with variou...
The uses of ayurveda not only reside around as main stream of ancient science but it also served as ...
Psychological disorders encompasses a broad range of conditions characterized by patterns of ab...
In the Ayurveda medical system, diseases are further divided into Shareerika Roga and Manasaroga acc...
Celem pracy jest próba odnalezienia tego, czym jest równowaga umysłowa w kontekście medycyny ajurwed...
The perfect balance of Mind and body is considered as complete health in Pāli literature as well as ...
Celem pracy jest omówienie relacji między Ajurwedą a hinduizmem na podstawie opisanych w tej tradycj...
Mental health is analytical marker of an individual’s overall well-being, along with his/her physica...
Schizoaffective disorder is a chronic mental health problem characterized by symptoms of Schizophren...
The development of civilization of mankind witnessed evolution of medical science and in this regard...
Ayurveda is thought to be ‘The Science of Life’, and therefore the follow involves the care of physi...
Among all the psychological disorders, depression is the most common mental disorder nowadays. Accor...
In the present era every human being who is running for survival is facing some kind of mental or ps...
The complexity of modern life leads humans to adapt to create a healthy life behind the hustle and b...
Ayurveda is the life science and practice that involve the care of the human being's physical, menta...
Bhuta vidya (Ayurvedic psychiatry) is one of the eight specialties of Ayurveda. It deals with variou...
The uses of ayurveda not only reside around as main stream of ancient science but it also served as ...
Psychological disorders encompasses a broad range of conditions characterized by patterns of ab...
In the Ayurveda medical system, diseases are further divided into Shareerika Roga and Manasaroga acc...
Celem pracy jest próba odnalezienia tego, czym jest równowaga umysłowa w kontekście medycyny ajurwed...
The perfect balance of Mind and body is considered as complete health in Pāli literature as well as ...
Celem pracy jest omówienie relacji między Ajurwedą a hinduizmem na podstawie opisanych w tej tradycj...
Mental health is analytical marker of an individual’s overall well-being, along with his/her physica...