Niniejsza praca magisterska podejmuje problematykę związaną z ugruntowaniem się stereotypowego postrzegania twórczości Tadeusza Różewicza na przestrzeni XX i XXI wieku. Problem ten nie doczekał się - jak dotąd - rzetelnego opracowania i analizy. Powstała w ten sposób nisza stała się inspiracją do podjęcia próby wyjaśnienia tego interesującego pod wieloma względami zjawiska.Jako jeden z czynników odpowiedzialnych za zubożenie odbioru i nieadekwatny do rzeczywistości poziom wiedzy o poezji Tadeusza Różewicza można wskazać uwarunkowaną biologicznie potrzebę porządkowania nowych informacji względem posiadanych już kategorii i schematów poznawczych. Powstaje w ten sposób zalążek myślenia stereotypowego.Wśród innych, możliwych czynników, należało...
The article offers a proposal for the studies into a particular receptive disposition (derived from ...
This article attempts to prove the hypothesis on the “processual homogeneity” of the changes iR (*ŕ̥...
In the article the problem of semiosis of the global topie in verbal and visual texts is taken into ...
This article is based on a Polish translation of the novel by Miljenko Jergović Srda pjeva, u sumra...
One of the most frequent problems in translation is the question of translation of hypocorisms: inas...
Pracę rozpoczynają rozważania na temat struktury świata kreowanego przez Kartotekę Tadeusza Różewicz...
This paper focuses on a short general description of the Polish translation of the novel by Dorota ...
Idioms are often used in polish poetry. Due to their expressiveness and vulnerability for linguisti...
The paper summarizes the ethno-linguistic research on the Polish words (understood as the names of ...
In this article the cognitive semantic concept of the linguistic prototype has been applied to the ...
The evolution of dog’s view in Polish languageThe article presents the evolution of dog’s view in Po...
The very book constitutes a collection of essays combining interpretative- analytic considerations ...
The author who over 30 years has been leading the international team of the scholars investigating v...
The present article provides an analysis of stereotyped features of Polish society as it was present...
The article attempts at filling the gap in the linguistic research of the phenomenon “true friends o...
The article offers a proposal for the studies into a particular receptive disposition (derived from ...
This article attempts to prove the hypothesis on the “processual homogeneity” of the changes iR (*ŕ̥...
In the article the problem of semiosis of the global topie in verbal and visual texts is taken into ...
This article is based on a Polish translation of the novel by Miljenko Jergović Srda pjeva, u sumra...
One of the most frequent problems in translation is the question of translation of hypocorisms: inas...
Pracę rozpoczynają rozważania na temat struktury świata kreowanego przez Kartotekę Tadeusza Różewicz...
This paper focuses on a short general description of the Polish translation of the novel by Dorota ...
Idioms are often used in polish poetry. Due to their expressiveness and vulnerability for linguisti...
The paper summarizes the ethno-linguistic research on the Polish words (understood as the names of ...
In this article the cognitive semantic concept of the linguistic prototype has been applied to the ...
The evolution of dog’s view in Polish languageThe article presents the evolution of dog’s view in Po...
The very book constitutes a collection of essays combining interpretative- analytic considerations ...
The author who over 30 years has been leading the international team of the scholars investigating v...
The present article provides an analysis of stereotyped features of Polish society as it was present...
The article attempts at filling the gap in the linguistic research of the phenomenon “true friends o...
The article offers a proposal for the studies into a particular receptive disposition (derived from ...
This article attempts to prove the hypothesis on the “processual homogeneity” of the changes iR (*ŕ̥...
In the article the problem of semiosis of the global topie in verbal and visual texts is taken into ...