Ph.D.Gliomas are the most common primary brain tumors in adults and children. Gliomas are subdivided in the 2016 WHO classification of tumors of the Central Nervous System (CNS) by histological grade and molecular features, particularly IDH. In this study, I focused on low-grade gliomas in adults and children. According to the 2016 WHO classification, Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) gene is a crucial requisite for the classification of lower-grade astrocytomas in adults. Adult astrocytomas are classified as IDH-mutant or IDH-wildtype based on IDH status and the lack of 1p/19q codeletion. Adult IDH-mutant lower-grade astrocytomas (IDH-mutant LGGs) comprise diffuse astrocytoma, Grade II and anaplastic astrocytoma, Grade III. Pediatric low-grad...
Ph.D.Glioblastoma multiforme, WHO grade IV, is the commonest and most lethal malignant primary brain...
第一部分 DHEA是男女性賀爾蒙的前驅物,其含量的下降或不足可能與人體許多慢性病和老化有關。本實驗主要的目的是探討補充DHEA後,其在大鼠各主要器官的分佈、累積、抗氧化或助氧化作...
人類高血壓的形成與血管壁之生理學上及生化學上的改變有關。這些改變中包括了血管平滑肌的過度收縮所導致的周邊阻力的增加。血管平滑肌收縮的程度取決於肌凝蛋白輕鏈(myosin light chain, ML...
Ph.D.Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) have become the number one cause of death worldwide. Atheroscler...
Ovarian cancer is an inflammation-associated malignancy and is often found at late stage. Previously...
Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is an aggressive cancer with high genetic heterogeneit...
一、 環境菸害(environmental tobacco smoke, ETS)為常見的室內空氣污染,而胎兒及嬰幼兒更是暴露於環境菸害的高危險群。環境菸害不只是會導致呼吸道疾病,也會帶來出生結果的不...
背景及研究目的:據報導薑黃素(curcumin)在阿爾茨海默癥(老年癡呆癥)的動物模型中表現出有效性。這可能與其能阻抑β 澱粉樣蛋白的聚集有關,而β 澱粉樣蛋白正是老年癡呆癥中達成共識的神經毒性物質。...
Ph.D.The human renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is a vital hormonal system for controlling blood press...
Objective To evaluate the effect of D-site binding protein (DBP) inhibition on vascular calcificatio...
靈芝 (Ganoderma lucidum) 自古以來即為著名的藥用真菌,且在亞洲地區被當成中草藥來使用已有數千年之久。許多證據顯示,靈芝具有抗過敏、抗致突變、抗病毒、抗發炎、抗癌及降血糖等功效。另外...
唐氏症 (21號色體三染色體症),是最常見的染色體異常,也是最常被確認的先天性智能發育遲緩的原因,唐氏症的發生率在每1000個活產兒為1.2-1.7個,盛行率在每1000個活產兒及死嬰中為1.5個,因...
M.Phil.Introduction:Idiopathic Scoliosis (IS) is a complex three-dimensional spinal deformity with u...
Ph.D.Glioblastoma multiforme, WHO grade IV, is the commonest and most lethal malignant primary brain...
第一部分 DHEA是男女性賀爾蒙的前驅物,其含量的下降或不足可能與人體許多慢性病和老化有關。本實驗主要的目的是探討補充DHEA後,其在大鼠各主要器官的分佈、累積、抗氧化或助氧化作...
人類高血壓的形成與血管壁之生理學上及生化學上的改變有關。這些改變中包括了血管平滑肌的過度收縮所導致的周邊阻力的增加。血管平滑肌收縮的程度取決於肌凝蛋白輕鏈(myosin light chain, ML...
Ph.D.Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) have become the number one cause of death worldwide. Atheroscler...
Ovarian cancer is an inflammation-associated malignancy and is often found at late stage. Previously...
Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is an aggressive cancer with high genetic heterogeneit...
一、 環境菸害(environmental tobacco smoke, ETS)為常見的室內空氣污染,而胎兒及嬰幼兒更是暴露於環境菸害的高危險群。環境菸害不只是會導致呼吸道疾病,也會帶來出生結果的不...
背景及研究目的:據報導薑黃素(curcumin)在阿爾茨海默癥(老年癡呆癥)的動物模型中表現出有效性。這可能與其能阻抑β 澱粉樣蛋白的聚集有關,而β 澱粉樣蛋白正是老年癡呆癥中達成共識的神經毒性物質。...
Ph.D.The human renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is a vital hormonal system for controlling blood press...
Objective To evaluate the effect of D-site binding protein (DBP) inhibition on vascular calcificatio...
靈芝 (Ganoderma lucidum) 自古以來即為著名的藥用真菌,且在亞洲地區被當成中草藥來使用已有數千年之久。許多證據顯示,靈芝具有抗過敏、抗致突變、抗病毒、抗發炎、抗癌及降血糖等功效。另外...
唐氏症 (21號色體三染色體症),是最常見的染色體異常,也是最常被確認的先天性智能發育遲緩的原因,唐氏症的發生率在每1000個活產兒為1.2-1.7個,盛行率在每1000個活產兒及死嬰中為1.5個,因...
M.Phil.Introduction:Idiopathic Scoliosis (IS) is a complex three-dimensional spinal deformity with u...
Ph.D.Glioblastoma multiforme, WHO grade IV, is the commonest and most lethal malignant primary brain...
第一部分 DHEA是男女性賀爾蒙的前驅物,其含量的下降或不足可能與人體許多慢性病和老化有關。本實驗主要的目的是探討補充DHEA後,其在大鼠各主要器官的分佈、累積、抗氧化或助氧化作...
人類高血壓的形成與血管壁之生理學上及生化學上的改變有關。這些改變中包括了血管平滑肌的過度收縮所導致的周邊阻力的增加。血管平滑肌收縮的程度取決於肌凝蛋白輕鏈(myosin light chain, ML...