In 1942, the Japanese novelist Nakajima Atsushi published a short story titled Mojika (The Woes of Letters). The story is set in Nineveh, the capital city of the Assyrian Empire, immediately following the end of the revolt of Šamaš-šumu-ukīn, the brother of King Ashurbanipal. At the king's command, the scholar Nabû-aḫḫē-erība, who is also the protagonist of the story, seeks to better understand the art of writing letters and makes claims about their accursed and nonsensical nature. The protagonist's claim hurts Ashurbanipal, one of the most sophisticated rulers in the ancient world, and he responds bitterly. King Ashurbanipal orders Nabû-aḫḫē-erība to be confined to his home. For his revelations, Nabû-aḫḫē-erība inevitably dies by the retal...
After the Qianlong 45 th year, rather than a Manchu Bannermen, the Qianlong emperor appointed the Mo...
The article examines Orikuchi Shinobu’s novella, Shisha no sho [The Book of the Dead] (1939), as a d...
This article was originally published as 國吉まこも「【講演】クガドゥンのお話」沖縄大学地域研究所(編)『尖閣諸島と沖縄』芙蓉書房出版、2013年、252-26...
This paper discusses the character and the value of Muntakhab al-tawārīkh written in Persian by Muḥa...
In this article Miss Tamura introduces to the learned world an old MS. copy of a medieval strange no...
This article analyzes the recognition of Kamakura Bakufu(????????????) on Oshu(??????) located in th...
Several additional points are mentioned in the present article in connection with the publication of...
Article : "L’univers fantasmagorique dans le Geumo sinhwa (Nouveaux Contes du mont de la Tortue d’or...
In the third part of an article, the writer focuses to make clear the opening up of Tokura village i...
Le Codex Troano et l'écriture hiératique de l'Amérique centrale Rosny, Léon de (1837-1914) Revu...
Summary: This article explores several aspects of the study of the book of Chronicles as a written d...
Article de Guillaume Carré, “La description des dirigeants japonais de la fin du XVIe siècle dans ...
International audienceThis article focuses on a particular moment in the historiography of Harar (Ea...
After the Qianlong 45 th year, rather than a Manchu Bannermen, the Qianlong emperor appointed the Mo...
The article examines Orikuchi Shinobu’s novella, Shisha no sho [The Book of the Dead] (1939), as a d...
This article was originally published as 國吉まこも「【講演】クガドゥンのお話」沖縄大学地域研究所(編)『尖閣諸島と沖縄』芙蓉書房出版、2013年、252-26...
This paper discusses the character and the value of Muntakhab al-tawārīkh written in Persian by Muḥa...
In this article Miss Tamura introduces to the learned world an old MS. copy of a medieval strange no...
This article analyzes the recognition of Kamakura Bakufu(????????????) on Oshu(??????) located in th...
Several additional points are mentioned in the present article in connection with the publication of...
Article : "L’univers fantasmagorique dans le Geumo sinhwa (Nouveaux Contes du mont de la Tortue d’or...
In the third part of an article, the writer focuses to make clear the opening up of Tokura village i...
Le Codex Troano et l'écriture hiératique de l'Amérique centrale Rosny, Léon de (1837-1914) Revu...
Summary: This article explores several aspects of the study of the book of Chronicles as a written d...
Article de Guillaume Carré, “La description des dirigeants japonais de la fin du XVIe siècle dans ...
International audienceThis article focuses on a particular moment in the historiography of Harar (Ea...
After the Qianlong 45 th year, rather than a Manchu Bannermen, the Qianlong emperor appointed the Mo...
The article examines Orikuchi Shinobu’s novella, Shisha no sho [The Book of the Dead] (1939), as a d...
This article was originally published as 國吉まこも「【講演】クガドゥンのお話」沖縄大学地域研究所(編)『尖閣諸島と沖縄』芙蓉書房出版、2013年、252-26...