Nowadays, judges are expected not just to administer justice, but to have skills and abilities to realize and be aware of standards and laws which can be discovered and analysed by the so- called cognitive sciences. In case we accept that “judges are human beings as well”, we must also assume that their minds and decision-making processes are subject to generally accepted scientific facts. However, cognitive sciences are less known in Hungary, and by using their fruitful results in legal procedures (e. g. in court trials) a greater level of objectivity can be achieved in adjudication which can lead to more accurate judicial decisions.Napjainkra meghaladottá vált az a nézet, hogy a bírák csak jogszolgáltatást végeznének. Alapvető elvárás, ho...
Témám kiválasztásának háttere az a társadalmi aggály, hogy a kétharmados többséggel szét lehet feszí...
Analiza intuicji sędziowskiej, stanowiąca motyw przewodni badań realistów prawnych, w perspektywie w...
This book chapter is a summary of a longer chapter on the quality-assurance system of courts and jud...
Sentencing is connected to the trial stage of the criminal procedure; more precisely, it takes place...
Értekezésemben ítélkezés-elméleti vizsgálódásokat végzek. Az ítélkezés-elmélet a bírói döntés elméle...
The principles of legality in criminal law determine numerous requirements both for the legislator c...
Currently, there is a big discussion about judicial activism in continental legal systems. This phe...
This paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of the rules of appointment and removal of H...
Kognitivní zkreslení v právním myšlení Abstrakt Tato diplomová práce se věnuje problematice kognitiv...
The Council of Self-Government Affairs of the Curia of Hungary, which was established in 2012, has t...
The paper focuses upon cognitive-psychological phenomena leading judge’s decision making. According ...
Psychological Aspects Affecting Judges' Decision Making with a Focus on Civil Procedure The diploma ...
Problémy znaleckého dokazování v trestním řízení Abstrakt Soudní znalectví je podstatnou a nenahradi...
The study analyses the new Hungarian Criminal Procedure Act that entered into force in the summer of...
The image of the judicial proceeding and the impressions of the participants are defined by various ...
Témám kiválasztásának háttere az a társadalmi aggály, hogy a kétharmados többséggel szét lehet feszí...
Analiza intuicji sędziowskiej, stanowiąca motyw przewodni badań realistów prawnych, w perspektywie w...
This book chapter is a summary of a longer chapter on the quality-assurance system of courts and jud...
Sentencing is connected to the trial stage of the criminal procedure; more precisely, it takes place...
Értekezésemben ítélkezés-elméleti vizsgálódásokat végzek. Az ítélkezés-elmélet a bírói döntés elméle...
The principles of legality in criminal law determine numerous requirements both for the legislator c...
Currently, there is a big discussion about judicial activism in continental legal systems. This phe...
This paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of the rules of appointment and removal of H...
Kognitivní zkreslení v právním myšlení Abstrakt Tato diplomová práce se věnuje problematice kognitiv...
The Council of Self-Government Affairs of the Curia of Hungary, which was established in 2012, has t...
The paper focuses upon cognitive-psychological phenomena leading judge’s decision making. According ...
Psychological Aspects Affecting Judges' Decision Making with a Focus on Civil Procedure The diploma ...
Problémy znaleckého dokazování v trestním řízení Abstrakt Soudní znalectví je podstatnou a nenahradi...
The study analyses the new Hungarian Criminal Procedure Act that entered into force in the summer of...
The image of the judicial proceeding and the impressions of the participants are defined by various ...
Témám kiválasztásának háttere az a társadalmi aggály, hogy a kétharmados többséggel szét lehet feszí...
Analiza intuicji sędziowskiej, stanowiąca motyw przewodni badań realistów prawnych, w perspektywie w...
This book chapter is a summary of a longer chapter on the quality-assurance system of courts and jud...