Power Integrated Circuits (PICs), which combine one or more power devices with logic and control circuit on the same chip, have received increasing attention for a variety of consumer and industrial applications in recent years. Many new emerging integrable devices and fabrication technologies with high voltage and/or high current handling capabilities were reports. However, cross-talk between power devices as well as interaction between power device and low voltage circuit are still problems for realization of PICs using these technologies. Attempts on solving the isolation problem have been published previously. Solutions such as using high resistivity substrate, adding a series gate resistance to the gate device circuitry, and using a fl...
Power islands are often employed in printed circuit board (PCB) designs to alleviate the problem of ...
This paper highlights the general trend towards further monolithic integration in power applications...
The work presented in this PhD manuscript deals with the monolithic integrationof an optical galvani...
This paper reports a simple and effective crosstalk isolation structure for use in bulk CMOS power i...
With the anticipation of increasing system demands, the need to integrate multiple functions (e.g. d...
With the anticipation of increasing system demands, the need to integrate multiple functions (e.g. d...
International audienceThis paper presents several innovative solutions in the view of transferring g...
A new insulated gate bipolar transistor structure, the 3D-IGBT, is presented. The 3D-IGBT utilizes s...
In this paper, a new bulk silicon isolation structure with wafer-thick trenches is proposed for auto...
The research work presented in this report deals with SMART POWER integration technics integrating o...
Both the decrease of the fabrication's costs and the performances' enhancement of the power electron...
The research work presented in this report deals with the junction isolation issues in power integra...
Dynamic power dissipation due to redundant switching is an important metric in data-path design. Thi...
In this work the investigation on fully integrated systems providing on-chip galvanic isolation is p...
This paper presents a new lateral insulated gate bipolar transistor (LIGBT) for junction isolated te...
Power islands are often employed in printed circuit board (PCB) designs to alleviate the problem of ...
This paper highlights the general trend towards further monolithic integration in power applications...
The work presented in this PhD manuscript deals with the monolithic integrationof an optical galvani...
This paper reports a simple and effective crosstalk isolation structure for use in bulk CMOS power i...
With the anticipation of increasing system demands, the need to integrate multiple functions (e.g. d...
With the anticipation of increasing system demands, the need to integrate multiple functions (e.g. d...
International audienceThis paper presents several innovative solutions in the view of transferring g...
A new insulated gate bipolar transistor structure, the 3D-IGBT, is presented. The 3D-IGBT utilizes s...
In this paper, a new bulk silicon isolation structure with wafer-thick trenches is proposed for auto...
The research work presented in this report deals with SMART POWER integration technics integrating o...
Both the decrease of the fabrication's costs and the performances' enhancement of the power electron...
The research work presented in this report deals with the junction isolation issues in power integra...
Dynamic power dissipation due to redundant switching is an important metric in data-path design. Thi...
In this work the investigation on fully integrated systems providing on-chip galvanic isolation is p...
This paper presents a new lateral insulated gate bipolar transistor (LIGBT) for junction isolated te...
Power islands are often employed in printed circuit board (PCB) designs to alleviate the problem of ...
This paper highlights the general trend towards further monolithic integration in power applications...
The work presented in this PhD manuscript deals with the monolithic integrationof an optical galvani...