Quantum computers store and manipulate information in individual quantized energy levels. These devices, not yet realized in their full potential, have the ability to perform certain computational tasks more efficiently than any classical computer. One possible way to implement a quantum computer is to use superconducting circuits controlled by single-mode electromagnetic fields. These circuits constitute the physical quantum bits, or qubits, that are used to store quantum information. A complete, fault-tolerant quantum computer potentially consists of at least millions of physical qubits which are grouped to form fault-tolerant logical qubits. Controlling each physical qubit individually requires a great amount of energy, and hence a futur...
The discovery of quantum mechanics in the 20th century forms the basis of many of the technologies t...
AbstractThe development of quantum Josephson circuits has created a strong expectation for reliable ...
The construction of a quantum computer is an extremely challenging task, because the states of the q...
Quantum computers are one of the most prominent emerging technologies of the 21st century. While sev...
Quantum computers possesses an inherent parallelism that allows for an exponential speedup in carryi...
The last two decades have seen an enormous increase in the computational power of digital computers....
We propose a scheme for scalable and robust quantum computing on two-dimensional arrays of qubits wi...
A doctoral dissertation completed for the degree of Doctor of Science (Technology) to be defended, ...
The effective use of current Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices is often limited by the...
Superconducting circuits is a promising platform for quantum computing. Quantum information is usual...
In the past few decades, quantum computation has become an active area of research due to prospects ...
Practical Quantum computing hinges on the ability to control large numbers of qubits with high fidel...
This thesis concerns possible implementations of quantum computing schemes and tries to overcome som...
This thesis concerns possible implementations of quantum computing schemes and tries to overcome som...
The promise of quantum computers is that certain computational tasks might be executed exponentially...
The discovery of quantum mechanics in the 20th century forms the basis of many of the technologies t...
AbstractThe development of quantum Josephson circuits has created a strong expectation for reliable ...
The construction of a quantum computer is an extremely challenging task, because the states of the q...
Quantum computers are one of the most prominent emerging technologies of the 21st century. While sev...
Quantum computers possesses an inherent parallelism that allows for an exponential speedup in carryi...
The last two decades have seen an enormous increase in the computational power of digital computers....
We propose a scheme for scalable and robust quantum computing on two-dimensional arrays of qubits wi...
A doctoral dissertation completed for the degree of Doctor of Science (Technology) to be defended, ...
The effective use of current Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices is often limited by the...
Superconducting circuits is a promising platform for quantum computing. Quantum information is usual...
In the past few decades, quantum computation has become an active area of research due to prospects ...
Practical Quantum computing hinges on the ability to control large numbers of qubits with high fidel...
This thesis concerns possible implementations of quantum computing schemes and tries to overcome som...
This thesis concerns possible implementations of quantum computing schemes and tries to overcome som...
The promise of quantum computers is that certain computational tasks might be executed exponentially...
The discovery of quantum mechanics in the 20th century forms the basis of many of the technologies t...
AbstractThe development of quantum Josephson circuits has created a strong expectation for reliable ...
The construction of a quantum computer is an extremely challenging task, because the states of the q...