The aim of this qualitative study is to produce descriptive information about children's connections to nature and the possibilities of primary school teaching to support that relation. The subject is viewed through the perceptions of the professionals in environmental education (EE). Relationship with nature is a multiplex phenomenon that builds up by factors of physical and sociocultural environment. According to researchers the most determinative causes are authentic connections to natural environments and the role model given by adults. It is also stated that the relationship with nature also deals with wellbeing of human and environment, which serves as a basis for this study. The first part of the study discusses children's relation t...
The purpose of this thesis is to explore children's views of their physical learning environment. Th...
Luontokato aiheuttaa vakavan uhan koko biosfäärille. Nykyään maapallolla kuolee päivittäin n. 200 la...
Gamtosauginis ugdymas priešmokyklinio amžiaus grupėje yra svarbi ankstyvojo gamtamokslinio ugdymo da...
Based on previous studies, the extension teaching to the authentic environment has been found to be ...
Children and young people as environmental citizens the environmental education perspective to par...
Töö eesmärk oli mõõta Eesti laste ja noorte looduse tundmise taset ja selgitada välja tegureid, mi...
In today’s digitalised society we spend a lot of time indoors, kids included, and not as much time o...
Tämän työn tarkoitus on tutkia luontokokemusten, ympäristöidentiteetin ja ympäristöhuolen yhteyttä. ...
Previous studies have shown that outdoor activities are important for the child and outdoor environm...
The aim of the study was to examine school textbooks in order to construct their specific environmen...
Bakalaureusetöö Loodusturismi õppekavalKäesolev töö uurib õpilaste keskkonna- ja looduskaitse teadm...
Kiinnostus luonnon tarjoamia hyvinvointipalveluita kohtaan on kasvanut samalla kun kaupungistunut el...
Nature conservation in everyday life: Private landowners perceptions of and experiences on temporar...
This study reviews outdoor educational activity, its contents and qualities, whose basis rests on re...
The purpose of the research was to determine how well Finnish pupils and students of different ages ...
The purpose of this thesis is to explore children's views of their physical learning environment. Th...
Luontokato aiheuttaa vakavan uhan koko biosfäärille. Nykyään maapallolla kuolee päivittäin n. 200 la...
Gamtosauginis ugdymas priešmokyklinio amžiaus grupėje yra svarbi ankstyvojo gamtamokslinio ugdymo da...
Based on previous studies, the extension teaching to the authentic environment has been found to be ...
Children and young people as environmental citizens the environmental education perspective to par...
Töö eesmärk oli mõõta Eesti laste ja noorte looduse tundmise taset ja selgitada välja tegureid, mi...
In today’s digitalised society we spend a lot of time indoors, kids included, and not as much time o...
Tämän työn tarkoitus on tutkia luontokokemusten, ympäristöidentiteetin ja ympäristöhuolen yhteyttä. ...
Previous studies have shown that outdoor activities are important for the child and outdoor environm...
The aim of the study was to examine school textbooks in order to construct their specific environmen...
Bakalaureusetöö Loodusturismi õppekavalKäesolev töö uurib õpilaste keskkonna- ja looduskaitse teadm...
Kiinnostus luonnon tarjoamia hyvinvointipalveluita kohtaan on kasvanut samalla kun kaupungistunut el...
Nature conservation in everyday life: Private landowners perceptions of and experiences on temporar...
This study reviews outdoor educational activity, its contents and qualities, whose basis rests on re...
The purpose of the research was to determine how well Finnish pupils and students of different ages ...
The purpose of this thesis is to explore children's views of their physical learning environment. Th...
Luontokato aiheuttaa vakavan uhan koko biosfäärille. Nykyään maapallolla kuolee päivittäin n. 200 la...
Gamtosauginis ugdymas priešmokyklinio amžiaus grupėje yra svarbi ankstyvojo gamtamokslinio ugdymo da...