The roles of leukotrienes (LTs) in the m ediation of specific cellular responses in im m unity and inflam m ation are well established. Some authors have suggested th a t the endogenous generation of LTs m ay play a role in the regulation of the proliferation of both norm al and m alignant haemopoietic cells. I have therefore investigated effects of 5-lipoxygenase (LO) inhibitors on the proliferation of norm al and m alignant haemopoietic cells. Piriprost, nordihydroguiaretic acid (NDGA), and BW755C, inhibitors of LO, inhibited DNA synthesis (as m easured by the incorporation of [^H] thymidine) in freshly isolated leukaem ia blasts and in the leukaem ia cell lines HL60, K562, and Ju rk a t. However, DNA synthesis and proliferation ...