Depending on the resulting habitat mosaic, that is created, habitat loss can reduce the abundance and diversity of birds. Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur) is particularly likely to suffer from such pressure, yet few studies have been performed to evaluate its conservation status in Algeria. The information on breeding habitat requirements for turtle dove is important for managing remnant woodlots and shrub land used by this species. To address this issue we surveyed the species in a suburban area of 1087 ha situated in the Isser Valley in Boumerdes (northern Algeria). In order to determine past and predicted future trends in habitat availability we compared landscape types in 2006 with ...
Bird communities were sampled at different scales at Saint-Eugène and on the Petit Saut dam ...
The worldwide erosion of biological diversity has not spared amphibians which are amongst t...
Une étude odonatologique a été réalisée durant six mois successifs, de mai à octobre 2013 à l’Oued I...
Connaître les effets des facteurs écologiques sur le succès de la reproduction de l’avifaune migratr...
Hole-nesting birds include species highly dependent on old trees or dead wood for nesting, r...
The White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) is a breeding bird in the Mediterranean part of Algeria (i.e. from...
The White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala is a species listed in the IUCN Red List as threat...
Authors summarize the historical and current status of some granivorous birds linked to agri...
Egg-size, as a component of life history, is expected to be traded-off with other component...
Salinas are highly valued habitats for the conservation of ground-nesting colonial waterbirds in ...
The carapace morphology and growth of the Green turtle (Chelonia mydas L.) has been studied ...
A ten years survey of duck species was carried out in the Ramsar site and Important Bird Are...
The study of the reproductive phenology of the White-headed Duck was carried out at Lake Ton...
Over the last thirty years the intensification of agricultural practices by drainage and con...
Over a period of two years, the diurnal behaviour of the globally threatened Whiteheaded Duc...
Bird communities were sampled at different scales at Saint-Eugène and on the Petit Saut dam ...
The worldwide erosion of biological diversity has not spared amphibians which are amongst t...
Une étude odonatologique a été réalisée durant six mois successifs, de mai à octobre 2013 à l’Oued I...
Connaître les effets des facteurs écologiques sur le succès de la reproduction de l’avifaune migratr...
Hole-nesting birds include species highly dependent on old trees or dead wood for nesting, r...
The White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) is a breeding bird in the Mediterranean part of Algeria (i.e. from...
The White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala is a species listed in the IUCN Red List as threat...
Authors summarize the historical and current status of some granivorous birds linked to agri...
Egg-size, as a component of life history, is expected to be traded-off with other component...
Salinas are highly valued habitats for the conservation of ground-nesting colonial waterbirds in ...
The carapace morphology and growth of the Green turtle (Chelonia mydas L.) has been studied ...
A ten years survey of duck species was carried out in the Ramsar site and Important Bird Are...
The study of the reproductive phenology of the White-headed Duck was carried out at Lake Ton...
Over the last thirty years the intensification of agricultural practices by drainage and con...
Over a period of two years, the diurnal behaviour of the globally threatened Whiteheaded Duc...
Bird communities were sampled at different scales at Saint-Eugène and on the Petit Saut dam ...
The worldwide erosion of biological diversity has not spared amphibians which are amongst t...
Une étude odonatologique a été réalisée durant six mois successifs, de mai à octobre 2013 à l’Oued I...