Bambey, Senegal: Rust is seldom a problem in the U.S. because of environment (rust is favored by cool & humid climate) and most hybrids possess the slow-rusting form of resistance.Host/Plant: Sorghum, milo (Sorghum bicolor)Pest/Path: Rust (Puccinia purpurea
Soybean rust is starting to catch the attention of plant pathologists this year. If you peruse the U...
Immature pustules of tropical rust.Host/Plant: Corn, teosinte, and Tripsacum spp. grasses. (Zea mays...
Typical rust pustules. Occurs on various grassy plants in numerous areas of the world.Host/Plant: P...
Bambey, Senegal: Rust is seldom a problem in the U.S. because of environment (rust is favored by coo...
Bambey, Senegal: Rust is characterized by the reddish brown pustules on both sides of the leaves.Hos...
Typical rust pustules on sorghum leaf. Rust is seldom a problem in the U.S. as cool temperatures an...
Moist climatic conditions favor rust development and may cause significant yield losses.Host/Plant: ...
Peduncle exhibiting high incidence of rust.Host/Plant: Grain Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)Pest/Path: Rus...
Bambey, Senegal: Tissue around rust pustules becomes necrotic and often "green islands" develop arou...
Rust pustules on peduncle. Only under high moisture and cool conditions will this occur.Host/Plant:...
Rust often occurs with other diseases as climatic conditions often favor foliar diseases.Host/Plant:...
Poza Rica, Mexico: Rust on peduncle. Will probably result in less yield.Host/Plant: Grain Sorghum (...
Characteristic symptoms of tropical rust. This disease has not been detected in the U.S.Host/Plant:...
Rust pustules on a sorghum leaf.Host/Plant: Grain Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)Pest/Path: Rust (Puccinia...
Relatively young lesions of tropical rust. Tropical rust primarily occurs when corn is grown under ...
Soybean rust is starting to catch the attention of plant pathologists this year. If you peruse the U...
Immature pustules of tropical rust.Host/Plant: Corn, teosinte, and Tripsacum spp. grasses. (Zea mays...
Typical rust pustules. Occurs on various grassy plants in numerous areas of the world.Host/Plant: P...
Bambey, Senegal: Rust is seldom a problem in the U.S. because of environment (rust is favored by coo...
Bambey, Senegal: Rust is characterized by the reddish brown pustules on both sides of the leaves.Hos...
Typical rust pustules on sorghum leaf. Rust is seldom a problem in the U.S. as cool temperatures an...
Moist climatic conditions favor rust development and may cause significant yield losses.Host/Plant: ...
Peduncle exhibiting high incidence of rust.Host/Plant: Grain Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)Pest/Path: Rus...
Bambey, Senegal: Tissue around rust pustules becomes necrotic and often "green islands" develop arou...
Rust pustules on peduncle. Only under high moisture and cool conditions will this occur.Host/Plant:...
Rust often occurs with other diseases as climatic conditions often favor foliar diseases.Host/Plant:...
Poza Rica, Mexico: Rust on peduncle. Will probably result in less yield.Host/Plant: Grain Sorghum (...
Characteristic symptoms of tropical rust. This disease has not been detected in the U.S.Host/Plant:...
Rust pustules on a sorghum leaf.Host/Plant: Grain Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)Pest/Path: Rust (Puccinia...
Relatively young lesions of tropical rust. Tropical rust primarily occurs when corn is grown under ...
Soybean rust is starting to catch the attention of plant pathologists this year. If you peruse the U...
Immature pustules of tropical rust.Host/Plant: Corn, teosinte, and Tripsacum spp. grasses. (Zea mays...
Typical rust pustules. Occurs on various grassy plants in numerous areas of the world.Host/Plant: P...