Fin-clipped S. gairdneri yearlings, derived from wild stock, were released into Dee Lagoon, central Tasmania, in 1978 and 1979. A further release of yearlings without fin-clips was made in 1980. Recaptures from 1979 to 1983 allowed validation of scale aging and back-calculation of length from collected scale samples. Back-calculation of size at release, Lr was possible due to formation of a distinct scale check associated with liberation. All back-calculated estimates of Lr and the lengths at the third and fourth winters, L3 and L4, agreed within 5% of actual values. Difficulty in identifying the location of the second winter check initially led to consistent underestimates of L2 but did not affect the accuracy of scale aging. Retention of ...
The sicklefin redhorse (SFR) Moxostoma sp. is endemic to the upper Tennessee River watershed in west...
Age structure and growth rates of fish are key characteristics of assessing the status of fish popul...
Back-calculation, a useful tool in fisheries management, provides biologists with entire growth his...
Fin-clipped S. gairdneri yearlings, derived from wild stock, were released into Dee Lagoon, central ...
The validity of the use of the scales of charr {Salvelinus willughbii Gunther) in Windermere for the...
Age of a population of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) from a pond in Patagonia was studied by means...
This study presents the validation of a scale-reading method for age estimation of brown trout (Sal...
There is a decline in sea trout (Salmo trutta L.) population in central Norway since 1970s. While th...
The logarithmic scale/body relationships of Kamloops trout has been discussed with particular refere...
Techniques Committee to assess the current status of aging freshwater fish in North America. For sev...
Collections of 1,163 sets of scales from rod-caught sea trout Salma trutta L., made in 1973 and 1974...
Estimates of age and lengths at specific ages of Yellowstone cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki bo...
The use of fish scales to age and back-calculate previous lengths at age and gain age and growth inf...
Among all validation methods of age determination in fish, release of known age and marked specimens...
Generating age estimates for long-lived fish requires particular attention to validation because the...
The sicklefin redhorse (SFR) Moxostoma sp. is endemic to the upper Tennessee River watershed in west...
Age structure and growth rates of fish are key characteristics of assessing the status of fish popul...
Back-calculation, a useful tool in fisheries management, provides biologists with entire growth his...
Fin-clipped S. gairdneri yearlings, derived from wild stock, were released into Dee Lagoon, central ...
The validity of the use of the scales of charr {Salvelinus willughbii Gunther) in Windermere for the...
Age of a population of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) from a pond in Patagonia was studied by means...
This study presents the validation of a scale-reading method for age estimation of brown trout (Sal...
There is a decline in sea trout (Salmo trutta L.) population in central Norway since 1970s. While th...
The logarithmic scale/body relationships of Kamloops trout has been discussed with particular refere...
Techniques Committee to assess the current status of aging freshwater fish in North America. For sev...
Collections of 1,163 sets of scales from rod-caught sea trout Salma trutta L., made in 1973 and 1974...
Estimates of age and lengths at specific ages of Yellowstone cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki bo...
The use of fish scales to age and back-calculate previous lengths at age and gain age and growth inf...
Among all validation methods of age determination in fish, release of known age and marked specimens...
Generating age estimates for long-lived fish requires particular attention to validation because the...
The sicklefin redhorse (SFR) Moxostoma sp. is endemic to the upper Tennessee River watershed in west...
Age structure and growth rates of fish are key characteristics of assessing the status of fish popul...
Back-calculation, a useful tool in fisheries management, provides biologists with entire growth his...