This study is devoted to the analysis of selected painting references---overt and concealed references to painters, paintings and painting genres---in the poetry of the twentieth-century Russian poet, Anna Akhmatova (1889--1966). Despite the fact that painting references in Akhmatova's poetry are numerous and varied, they remain largely unstudied. An understanding of painting references in Akhmatova's poetry contributes to our understanding of specific aspects of her poetics, including her complicated and often ambivalent views on the non-verbal arts, her attitude toward history and its relationship to the individual, and her methods of self-representation. The analysis of the relationship between painting and poetry in Akhmatova's work req...
Leksiski semantiskais lauks "krāsās" A.Ahmatovas dzejā, leksiski semantiskā lauka analīzes izpēte 20...
The paper deals with the methodological aspects of «Requiem» poem’s literary study. The author share...
The history of Russia over the past 100 years is not only one of political crises, but of a cultural...
This study is devoted to the analysis of selected painting references---overt and concealed referenc...
Somehow, Anna Akhmatova was able to portray herself not only as an individual poet writing deeply pe...
All of Akhmatova’s poetic oeuvre is charged with extratextual meaning through allusions and referenc...
The present study, the first of ist kind, goes beyond the investigation of separate pieces of verse ...
The article describes the reflection of some mythologemes of the cultural myth about Pushkin in fict...
Creative experience gave rise to new styles, especially modernist approaches to the expression of re...
This study is based upon data mined from Twitter to find the most frequently tweeted poems of Anna A...
Praca podejmuje problematykę spotkań Anny Achmatowej z osobami, które odegrały istotne znaczenie w p...
© 2016, Ecozone, OAIMDD. All rights reserved.Usually Marina Tsvetaeva (1892-1941) is considered to b...
The article is dedicated to the analysis of the final of Beads by great Russian poetess Anna Akhmano...
The article deals with the evolution of poetic identity of Anna Akhmatova on the examples of the ear...
The article deals with the evolution of poetic identity of Anna Akhmatova on the examples of the ear...
Leksiski semantiskais lauks "krāsās" A.Ahmatovas dzejā, leksiski semantiskā lauka analīzes izpēte 20...
The paper deals with the methodological aspects of «Requiem» poem’s literary study. The author share...
The history of Russia over the past 100 years is not only one of political crises, but of a cultural...
This study is devoted to the analysis of selected painting references---overt and concealed referenc...
Somehow, Anna Akhmatova was able to portray herself not only as an individual poet writing deeply pe...
All of Akhmatova’s poetic oeuvre is charged with extratextual meaning through allusions and referenc...
The present study, the first of ist kind, goes beyond the investigation of separate pieces of verse ...
The article describes the reflection of some mythologemes of the cultural myth about Pushkin in fict...
Creative experience gave rise to new styles, especially modernist approaches to the expression of re...
This study is based upon data mined from Twitter to find the most frequently tweeted poems of Anna A...
Praca podejmuje problematykę spotkań Anny Achmatowej z osobami, które odegrały istotne znaczenie w p...
© 2016, Ecozone, OAIMDD. All rights reserved.Usually Marina Tsvetaeva (1892-1941) is considered to b...
The article is dedicated to the analysis of the final of Beads by great Russian poetess Anna Akhmano...
The article deals with the evolution of poetic identity of Anna Akhmatova on the examples of the ear...
The article deals with the evolution of poetic identity of Anna Akhmatova on the examples of the ear...
Leksiski semantiskais lauks "krāsās" A.Ahmatovas dzejā, leksiski semantiskā lauka analīzes izpēte 20...
The paper deals with the methodological aspects of «Requiem» poem’s literary study. The author share...
The history of Russia over the past 100 years is not only one of political crises, but of a cultural...