Modern VLSI transistor densities allow large systems to be implemented within a single chip. As technologies get smaller, fundamental limits of silicon devices are reached resulting in lower design yields and post-deployment failures. Many-core systems provide a platform for leveraging the computing resource on offer by deep sub-micron technologies and also offer high-level capabilities for mitigating the issues with small feature sizes. However, designing for many-core systems that can adapt to in-field failures and operation variability requires an extremely large multi-objective optimisation space. When a many-core reaches the size supported by the densities of modern technologies (thousands of processing cores), finding design solutions...
Thesis (Ph.D.), School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Washington State UniversityLa...
Future increases in computing power strongly rely on miniaturization, large scale integration, and p...
International audienceNeuro-biological systems have often been a source of inspiration for computati...
Modern VLSI transistor densities allow large systems to be implemented within a single chip. As tech...
Large-scale distributed computing architectures such as, e.g. systems on chip or many-core devices, ...
Large social insect colonies require a wide range of important tasks to be undertaken to build and m...
In this case, the emergent property sought to establish is system- level fault tolerance, the inspir...
AbstractThe now established paradigm of System on Chip advances towards high-density many-core syste...
The advent of many-core systems, a network on chip containing hundreds or thousands of homogeneous p...
Efficient resource and application management is one of the most complex and challenging tasks in hi...
Advancements in CMOS technology enable the integration of a huge number of resources on the same Sy...
The SpiNNaker project aims to develop parallel computer systems with more than a million embedded pr...
This work introduces a novel adaptation framework to energy-eciently adapt small-sized circuits oper...
Swarming intelligence (SI) is the property of a system whereby the collective behaviors of (unsophis...
Within the next decade it will be possible to build chip multiprocessors with thousands of cores. We...
Thesis (Ph.D.), School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Washington State UniversityLa...
Future increases in computing power strongly rely on miniaturization, large scale integration, and p...
International audienceNeuro-biological systems have often been a source of inspiration for computati...
Modern VLSI transistor densities allow large systems to be implemented within a single chip. As tech...
Large-scale distributed computing architectures such as, e.g. systems on chip or many-core devices, ...
Large social insect colonies require a wide range of important tasks to be undertaken to build and m...
In this case, the emergent property sought to establish is system- level fault tolerance, the inspir...
AbstractThe now established paradigm of System on Chip advances towards high-density many-core syste...
The advent of many-core systems, a network on chip containing hundreds or thousands of homogeneous p...
Efficient resource and application management is one of the most complex and challenging tasks in hi...
Advancements in CMOS technology enable the integration of a huge number of resources on the same Sy...
The SpiNNaker project aims to develop parallel computer systems with more than a million embedded pr...
This work introduces a novel adaptation framework to energy-eciently adapt small-sized circuits oper...
Swarming intelligence (SI) is the property of a system whereby the collective behaviors of (unsophis...
Within the next decade it will be possible to build chip multiprocessors with thousands of cores. We...
Thesis (Ph.D.), School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Washington State UniversityLa...
Future increases in computing power strongly rely on miniaturization, large scale integration, and p...
International audienceNeuro-biological systems have often been a source of inspiration for computati...