Macháčová, J. Stress factors in elementary school teachers. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel university in Brno, 2018. The bachelor thesis is focused on detection of stress factors based on profession of elementary school teachers and proposing preventive measures against these stress factors. Literary research describes stress in general, stress in the work en-vironment and stress in pedagogical staff. The practical part is based on the ques-tionnaire survey, which shows what factors the teachers consider most stressful. Then, hypotheses resulting from the questionnaire survey are tested. At the con-clusion, preventive measures are recommended to help reduce the stress of peda-gogical staff. Proposals for preventive action from human resourc...
Stres je v današnjem času prisoten v vsakdanu posameznika. Naš tempo življenja je vse hitrejši in vs...
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of stress of university students of field of study teaching....
V času vse hitrejšega tempa življenja, vse večje tekmovalnosti, neosebnih odnosov, nenehne borbe za ...
In 2003 The National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) in Prague carried out project of health promo...
The thesis deals with the issue of stress in teachers. The concepts of teacher, stressor, stress and...
The aim of the thesis is to describe the subject matter of initial teachers struggling with various ...
The aim of this diploma thesis is to characterise the symptoms of stress on children at secondary sc...
Introduction. Stress is an inherent part of human life. It is well known and often associated with n...
Diplomsko delo obravnava stres med osnovnošolskimi učitelji. Opisane so vrste in povzročitelji stre...
The subject of my thesis is challenging situations and stress in the professional life of secondary ...
This master’s thesis deals with different strategies for coping with workplace stress used by teache...
BACKGROUND: Once high levels of work-related stress among teachers were confirmed many studies conce...
Cílem práce bude zjistit, jaké stresory se vyskytly v práci pedagogů v době pandemie v roce 2020. Te...
Osnovni namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali obstaja povezava med dejavniki zdravega načina življe...
Namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti, ali učitelji v razredu doživljajo stres, kako ga doživljajo...
Stres je v današnjem času prisoten v vsakdanu posameznika. Naš tempo življenja je vse hitrejši in vs...
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of stress of university students of field of study teaching....
V času vse hitrejšega tempa življenja, vse večje tekmovalnosti, neosebnih odnosov, nenehne borbe za ...
In 2003 The National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) in Prague carried out project of health promo...
The thesis deals with the issue of stress in teachers. The concepts of teacher, stressor, stress and...
The aim of the thesis is to describe the subject matter of initial teachers struggling with various ...
The aim of this diploma thesis is to characterise the symptoms of stress on children at secondary sc...
Introduction. Stress is an inherent part of human life. It is well known and often associated with n...
Diplomsko delo obravnava stres med osnovnošolskimi učitelji. Opisane so vrste in povzročitelji stre...
The subject of my thesis is challenging situations and stress in the professional life of secondary ...
This master’s thesis deals with different strategies for coping with workplace stress used by teache...
BACKGROUND: Once high levels of work-related stress among teachers were confirmed many studies conce...
Cílem práce bude zjistit, jaké stresory se vyskytly v práci pedagogů v době pandemie v roce 2020. Te...
Osnovni namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali obstaja povezava med dejavniki zdravega načina življe...
Namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti, ali učitelji v razredu doživljajo stres, kako ga doživljajo...
Stres je v današnjem času prisoten v vsakdanu posameznika. Naš tempo življenja je vse hitrejši in vs...
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of stress of university students of field of study teaching....
V času vse hitrejšega tempa življenja, vse večje tekmovalnosti, neosebnih odnosov, nenehne borbe za ...