ABSTRACT : CORRELATION OF STRESS WITH INSOMNIA AN ELDERLY AT UPTD PSLU TRESNA WERDHA NATAR SOUTH LAMPUNG Background : Based on population projection data, in 2017 there were about 23.66 million elderly in Indonesia (9.03%). It was predicted that the number of elderlies in 2020 (27.08 million), in 2025 (33.9 million), in 2030 (40.95 million) and in 2035 (48.19 million). The number of elderly in Lampung Province based on Health Office of Lampung Province in 2016 was 516.246, and the number of elderly in Bandar Lampung city according to Health office of Lampung Province in 2016 was 118.316 people. The number of elderly in UPTD PSLU Tresna Werda as many 85 people. Most of them are elderly who suffered from stress of insomnia. Stress suffered by...
Elderly is a condition where changes occur in every human being, such as biological, physical, psych...
Old age is an event that will surely be experienced by everyone who has a long age, the occurrence c...
Aging is normal, with physical changes and predictable behavior that occurs in all people when they ...
Pendahuluan : Insomnia tidak bisa dianggap sebagai gangguan yang sederhana karena secara umum tidak ...
Stres didefinisikan sebagai ketidakmampuan mengatasi ancaman yang dihadapi oleh mental, fisik, emosi...
Background: The large number of elderly people has consequences for both phsycal and psychosocial as...
The aging process is a natural process which happens to human being, where at this stage physical co...
Penuaan merupakan proses alamiah yang tidak dapat dihindari, berjalan terus menerus dan berkesinambu...
Insomnia is sleep disorder, most often found on elderly with high prevalence about 67%. The aim of t...
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan gaya hidup dengan kejadan insomnia pad...
Proses penuaan nantinya akan berpengaruh dengan kesehatan fisik dan psikis yang dapat menyebabkan ke...
ABSTRAKEstablished Populations For Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly (EPESE) mendapatkan dari 900...
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is most commonly found in the elderly. The prevalence of sleep dis...
The aging process, among others, changes in physical appearance, decreased endurance, and decreased ...
Latar Belakang: Usia lanjut sangat rentan terhadap insomnia. Insomnia jika diremehkan mengakibatkan...
Elderly is a condition where changes occur in every human being, such as biological, physical, psych...
Old age is an event that will surely be experienced by everyone who has a long age, the occurrence c...
Aging is normal, with physical changes and predictable behavior that occurs in all people when they ...
Pendahuluan : Insomnia tidak bisa dianggap sebagai gangguan yang sederhana karena secara umum tidak ...
Stres didefinisikan sebagai ketidakmampuan mengatasi ancaman yang dihadapi oleh mental, fisik, emosi...
Background: The large number of elderly people has consequences for both phsycal and psychosocial as...
The aging process is a natural process which happens to human being, where at this stage physical co...
Penuaan merupakan proses alamiah yang tidak dapat dihindari, berjalan terus menerus dan berkesinambu...
Insomnia is sleep disorder, most often found on elderly with high prevalence about 67%. The aim of t...
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan gaya hidup dengan kejadan insomnia pad...
Proses penuaan nantinya akan berpengaruh dengan kesehatan fisik dan psikis yang dapat menyebabkan ke...
ABSTRAKEstablished Populations For Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly (EPESE) mendapatkan dari 900...
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is most commonly found in the elderly. The prevalence of sleep dis...
The aging process, among others, changes in physical appearance, decreased endurance, and decreased ...
Latar Belakang: Usia lanjut sangat rentan terhadap insomnia. Insomnia jika diremehkan mengakibatkan...
Elderly is a condition where changes occur in every human being, such as biological, physical, psych...
Old age is an event that will surely be experienced by everyone who has a long age, the occurrence c...
Aging is normal, with physical changes and predictable behavior that occurs in all people when they ...