A close examina t ion of Sartre's discussion of the limits of the self in Being and Nothingness may shed light on his ideas on the nature of Metaphysics, O ntology and Phenomenology. Some implicatio ns of his discussion are presented, centered on his de f e nse of the irre ducibility of the phe nome non of being to the being of the phenomenon when dealing with the passage from phenomenology to ontology, which culminates in his phe nomenological ontology the telos of Being and Nothingness. T he passage to me t a p hy s ics can be fruitfully cont rasted with Bergson's enterprise, because for Sartre metaphysics has a regulative rather than a constitutive function.A circunscrição do tema do circuito da ipseidade em O Ser e o Nada pode esclarece...