Advertisements; The M.I.T. Game; English Club Celebrates Christmas; Allison-Foote Debate Tomorrow Night; Cornell, 24; Union, 18; An Answer To The Innocent By-Stander\u27s Fifth Chirp; Union Defeats West Point 21-12; Plans For Junior Week; Concerning Basketball; The Allison-Foote Debate; Take In Junior Week; The Ichabod Spencer Lectures; Mission Study; Hokerk Elected President; Columbia Against Militarism; Freshmen Will Debate; The Innocent Bystander; One Recent Addition to Facultyl Hokerk\u27s Engagement Announced; Press CLub Notes; Prexy\u27s Dates; Three Concerts for January is Musical Club\u27s Plan; The 1916 Garnet; Y.M.C.A. Plans Industrial Classes; Keep Them Aliens Out; Concert Course; How About It?; Innovation In Gymnasium Work; Clas...