[1][letterhead]Aug. 17 or 18 1895Dear Louie,I reached this cool calm nest in the sugar pines last evening. I think you will remember the the place. It is not far from the Tuolumne Sequoia grove where we had lunch on the way to the Valley 10 years ago.I sent a pencil note to Wanda from the Tuolumne meadows at the head of the great canon by Mr Howard which I suppose was received. I had taken two of the Howard boys (Spring Valley Howards) to the top of Conness & left them at the meadows, they to return to Yosemite, & I to go down the canon to Hetch Hetchy where I had ordered horses to meet me about the 20th. Well I had a hard time & a good time & anyhow by this you see I got through safely. I started with provisions for three weeks but after b...