The public defense on 29th May 2020 at 12:00 will be organized via remote technology. Link: Zoom Quick Guide: cities and communities is a complex task, which requires knowledge from and interaction between the multiple disciplines involved. In the recent decades, the task has become even more complicated and demanding due to the challenges posed by environmental and climate change. A lot is yet to be solved in order to fully understand sustainability of communities, and new solutions and innovations are needed. Planning competition is a specific tool which can be used in exploring transformative solutions and creating knowledge for sustainable co...
This thesis was done as a part of the development of the regulation of the Lake Koitere project. St...
The City of Helsinki held an open architecture competition during spring 2010 under the name Helsink...
Citizen participation in urban planning has increased in recent decades. In Finland, it is one of th...
Ilmastonmuutos ja lisääntyvä maahanmuutto ovat tällä hetkellä keskeisiä puheenaiheita ja vaikuttavat...
Maankäyttö- ja rakennuslain uudistuksen myötä kansalaisten osallisuudesta on tarkoitus tulla kiinteä...
The public defense on 4th May 2020 at 18:00 (6 p.m.) will be organized via remote technology. Link:...
Tämä tutkielma on tapaustutkimus joka tarkastelee syitä kansalaisosallistumisen vähäiseen rooliin Ka...
The planning practice in many metropolitan areas of Finland has become too detailed. Strict planning...
Maankäytön suunnittelussa osallisten paikallistuntemus, mielipiteet ja kokemusasiantuntijuus ovat tä...
Planning of towns and communities is a holistic and interdisciplinary task during which many qualiti...
Ongoing global urbanization is bringing more and more people to urban environments worldwide. Cities...
This article explores mutual learning as part of a process of co-creating nature-based soluti...
Kalevankangas on liikunnan ja vapaa-ajan alue Mikkelissä. Kaupungin kehittämisalustaksi määritellyst...
Haastatteluilla kerättiin tietoa kaupunkiseutujen viherrakenteen suunnittelua koskevaa opasta varten...
This case study focuses on interactivity between citizens and public administrators in sustainable u...
This thesis was done as a part of the development of the regulation of the Lake Koitere project. St...
The City of Helsinki held an open architecture competition during spring 2010 under the name Helsink...
Citizen participation in urban planning has increased in recent decades. In Finland, it is one of th...
Ilmastonmuutos ja lisääntyvä maahanmuutto ovat tällä hetkellä keskeisiä puheenaiheita ja vaikuttavat...
Maankäyttö- ja rakennuslain uudistuksen myötä kansalaisten osallisuudesta on tarkoitus tulla kiinteä...
The public defense on 4th May 2020 at 18:00 (6 p.m.) will be organized via remote technology. Link:...
Tämä tutkielma on tapaustutkimus joka tarkastelee syitä kansalaisosallistumisen vähäiseen rooliin Ka...
The planning practice in many metropolitan areas of Finland has become too detailed. Strict planning...
Maankäytön suunnittelussa osallisten paikallistuntemus, mielipiteet ja kokemusasiantuntijuus ovat tä...
Planning of towns and communities is a holistic and interdisciplinary task during which many qualiti...
Ongoing global urbanization is bringing more and more people to urban environments worldwide. Cities...
This article explores mutual learning as part of a process of co-creating nature-based soluti...
Kalevankangas on liikunnan ja vapaa-ajan alue Mikkelissä. Kaupungin kehittämisalustaksi määritellyst...
Haastatteluilla kerättiin tietoa kaupunkiseutujen viherrakenteen suunnittelua koskevaa opasta varten...
This case study focuses on interactivity between citizens and public administrators in sustainable u...
This thesis was done as a part of the development of the regulation of the Lake Koitere project. St...
The City of Helsinki held an open architecture competition during spring 2010 under the name Helsink...
Citizen participation in urban planning has increased in recent decades. In Finland, it is one of th...