Diplomová práce se bude zabývat Kuhnovou koncepcí paradigmatu ve Struktuře vědeckých revolucí. Student bude vycházet jak z původního textu z roku 1962, tak z dodatku z roku 1969, v němž Kuhn reagoval na kritiku své původní koncepce. Obsah diplomové práce bude rozložen do dvou částí. V první části se student prostřednictvím primární a sekundární literatury zaměří na rozbor a zhodnocení vybraných strukturních momentů Kuhnova pojetí paradigmatu (pojem, význam, paradigmatický vývoj vědy, vztah k anomáliím, holismus). Na základě provedených analýz se student ve druhé části diplomové práce zaměří za pomoci stěžejní literatury na kritiku Kuhnova pojetí paradigmatu.This thesis will examine Kuhn's conception of paradigm from "Structure of Scientif...
An American philosopher, Thomas Samuel Kuhn (1922-1996) in his books, The Structure of Scientific Re...
The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the multiplicity of meanings of T. S. Kuhn’s conce...
Thomas Kuhn's thinking in this case is used as an analytical knife to see the revolution in science ...
Struktura znanstvenih revolucija je djelo Thomasa Kuhna u kojemu izlaže koncept znanstvenih revoluci...
Ovaj rad predstavit će strukturu znanstvenih revolucija po analizi Thomasa Kuhna. Pojmove koji slije...
This article aims to discuss an evaluation of the concept of paradigm of T. Kuhn in his representati...
Straipsnio tikslas atkreipti dėmesį į Thomo S. Kuhno paradigmos sąvokos daugiaprasmiškumą jo knygoje...
Paradigmos sąvokos išklaida chronologiškai sekant T. Kuhno minties raidą. Aptariami trys paradigmos ...
Thomas Kuhn, ünlü eseri The Structure of Scientific Revolutions2 ’ta (Bilimsel Devrimlerin Yapısı) s...
Thomas Kuhn, Bilimsel Devrimlerin Yapısı adlı kitabıyla bilim felsefesi çalışmalarında yeni bir çığı...
I present a history of Kuhn’s discovery of paradigms, one that takes account of the complexity of th...
Thomas S. Kuhn's structural account on the production of scientific knowledge constructs a generaliz...
PARADIGMA: Der Begriff P. ist von Thomas S. Kuhn in die neuere Wissenschaftsgeschichtsschreibung ein...
Abstract The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, a work written by Thomas Kuhn in 1962, is a report...
the use of the term ‘paradigm’. He later tried to answer the criticism in several works, by discussi...
An American philosopher, Thomas Samuel Kuhn (1922-1996) in his books, The Structure of Scientific Re...
The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the multiplicity of meanings of T. S. Kuhn’s conce...
Thomas Kuhn's thinking in this case is used as an analytical knife to see the revolution in science ...
Struktura znanstvenih revolucija je djelo Thomasa Kuhna u kojemu izlaže koncept znanstvenih revoluci...
Ovaj rad predstavit će strukturu znanstvenih revolucija po analizi Thomasa Kuhna. Pojmove koji slije...
This article aims to discuss an evaluation of the concept of paradigm of T. Kuhn in his representati...
Straipsnio tikslas atkreipti dėmesį į Thomo S. Kuhno paradigmos sąvokos daugiaprasmiškumą jo knygoje...
Paradigmos sąvokos išklaida chronologiškai sekant T. Kuhno minties raidą. Aptariami trys paradigmos ...
Thomas Kuhn, ünlü eseri The Structure of Scientific Revolutions2 ’ta (Bilimsel Devrimlerin Yapısı) s...
Thomas Kuhn, Bilimsel Devrimlerin Yapısı adlı kitabıyla bilim felsefesi çalışmalarında yeni bir çığı...
I present a history of Kuhn’s discovery of paradigms, one that takes account of the complexity of th...
Thomas S. Kuhn's structural account on the production of scientific knowledge constructs a generaliz...
PARADIGMA: Der Begriff P. ist von Thomas S. Kuhn in die neuere Wissenschaftsgeschichtsschreibung ein...
Abstract The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, a work written by Thomas Kuhn in 1962, is a report...
the use of the term ‘paradigm’. He later tried to answer the criticism in several works, by discussi...
An American philosopher, Thomas Samuel Kuhn (1922-1996) in his books, The Structure of Scientific Re...
The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the multiplicity of meanings of T. S. Kuhn’s conce...
Thomas Kuhn's thinking in this case is used as an analytical knife to see the revolution in science ...