Pers adalah setiap kegiatan dalam mengelola informasi, dalam artian informasi apa saja, mulai dari membaca surat kabar, menonton televisi di depan ruang tamu, ataupun hanya sekedar berselancar di internet, kesemua kegiatan ini membuat kita bersentuhan kepada hal yang disebut dengan media atau pers. Dalam setiap masanya dalam belantika sejarah Indonesia, pers mempunyai kisahnya sendiri yang menarik untuk diteliti, tidak terkecuali pula pada masa pasca Orde Baru atau masa reformasi dimana pers dianggap bebas dalam memberitakan segala informasi, bahkan cenderung kebablasan. Menarik untuk disimak bagaimana para sejarawan merespon pers pada masa ini sebagai bagian dari historiografi kontemporer yang ada di Indonesia. Keywords : Sejarah, Pers, Re...
The purpose of this study were to describe: (1) the New Order government policies against the press,...
Dalam era globalisasi sekarang ini, tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa arus informasi berkembang dengan sa...
Media ownership is often used as a tool to perpetuate power to achieve certain political goals. Espe...
Pers adalah setiap kegiatan dalam mengelola informasi, dalam artian informasi apa saja, mulai dari m...
Press denotes any activity in information management -any information- from reading the newspapers, ...
The freedom of the press in the reform remains based on article 28 of the 1945 Constitution. Just as...
Abstract: Press takes an important role in expanding the country development, lastly it is not only ...
To observe the dinamics of the press in Indonesia is very interesting as the development of national...
The reformation of the mass media, especially printed press, in Indonesia has already caused a new p...
Abstract: To observe the dinamics of the press in Indonesia is very interesting as the development o...
This paper is derived from the results of a study evaluating on how ideal and organized the manageme...
The press is an institution of mass communication that could serve the interests of the information ...
Sejarah pers di Indonesia diawali dengan munculnya berbagai media pers yang dipelopori oleh Bangsa E...
Peran dan fungsi pers pasca reformasi atau setelah lahirnya Undang-Undang Pers Tahun 1999 memperliha...
During the New Order is a repressive regime, whereas in the era of reform after the Soeharto‟s fall ...
The purpose of this study were to describe: (1) the New Order government policies against the press,...
Dalam era globalisasi sekarang ini, tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa arus informasi berkembang dengan sa...
Media ownership is often used as a tool to perpetuate power to achieve certain political goals. Espe...
Pers adalah setiap kegiatan dalam mengelola informasi, dalam artian informasi apa saja, mulai dari m...
Press denotes any activity in information management -any information- from reading the newspapers, ...
The freedom of the press in the reform remains based on article 28 of the 1945 Constitution. Just as...
Abstract: Press takes an important role in expanding the country development, lastly it is not only ...
To observe the dinamics of the press in Indonesia is very interesting as the development of national...
The reformation of the mass media, especially printed press, in Indonesia has already caused a new p...
Abstract: To observe the dinamics of the press in Indonesia is very interesting as the development o...
This paper is derived from the results of a study evaluating on how ideal and organized the manageme...
The press is an institution of mass communication that could serve the interests of the information ...
Sejarah pers di Indonesia diawali dengan munculnya berbagai media pers yang dipelopori oleh Bangsa E...
Peran dan fungsi pers pasca reformasi atau setelah lahirnya Undang-Undang Pers Tahun 1999 memperliha...
During the New Order is a repressive regime, whereas in the era of reform after the Soeharto‟s fall ...
The purpose of this study were to describe: (1) the New Order government policies against the press,...
Dalam era globalisasi sekarang ini, tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa arus informasi berkembang dengan sa...
Media ownership is often used as a tool to perpetuate power to achieve certain political goals. Espe...