Copyright notice: © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The first instrument that exploited the radar principle was used to investigate the properties of the ionospheric reflecting layers. Over the decades since then, the techniques have improved and many other types of probing have been developed. The presentation summarizes various methodologies, with particular focus on the vertical sounding, and d...
Discussed here is a kind of radar called atmospheric radar, which has as its target clear air echoes...
The ionosonde is a system which exploits the radar technique: it applies electromagnetic waves with ...
This thesis describes contributions made to improve atmospheric research tools through implementatio...
The presentation deals with one of the most popular technique to investigate the terrestrial ionosph...
The presentation deals with one of the most popular technique to investigate the terrestrial ionosph...
The presentation deals with one of the most popular technique to investigate the terrestrial ionosph...
The presentation deals with one of the most popular technique to investigate the terrestrial ionosph...
The last decade of the evolution of radar was heavily influenced by the rapid increase in the inform...
The ionosphere affects the electromagnetic wave propagation and then its study is important for Eart...
We present a new perspective ground-based method for diagnostics of the ionosphere and atmosphere pa...
International audienceThe interpretation of the radar aspect sensitivity observed at VHF frequencies...
International audienceThe interpretation of the radar aspect sensitivity observed at VHF frequencies...
International audienceThe interpretation of the radar aspect sensitivity observed at VHF frequencies...
A review of the history of radar techniques which have been applied to atmospheric observation is gi...
Vertical sounding is a widely used technique to obtain ionosphere measurements, such as an estimatio...
Discussed here is a kind of radar called atmospheric radar, which has as its target clear air echoes...
The ionosonde is a system which exploits the radar technique: it applies electromagnetic waves with ...
This thesis describes contributions made to improve atmospheric research tools through implementatio...
The presentation deals with one of the most popular technique to investigate the terrestrial ionosph...
The presentation deals with one of the most popular technique to investigate the terrestrial ionosph...
The presentation deals with one of the most popular technique to investigate the terrestrial ionosph...
The presentation deals with one of the most popular technique to investigate the terrestrial ionosph...
The last decade of the evolution of radar was heavily influenced by the rapid increase in the inform...
The ionosphere affects the electromagnetic wave propagation and then its study is important for Eart...
We present a new perspective ground-based method for diagnostics of the ionosphere and atmosphere pa...
International audienceThe interpretation of the radar aspect sensitivity observed at VHF frequencies...
International audienceThe interpretation of the radar aspect sensitivity observed at VHF frequencies...
International audienceThe interpretation of the radar aspect sensitivity observed at VHF frequencies...
A review of the history of radar techniques which have been applied to atmospheric observation is gi...
Vertical sounding is a widely used technique to obtain ionosphere measurements, such as an estimatio...
Discussed here is a kind of radar called atmospheric radar, which has as its target clear air echoes...
The ionosonde is a system which exploits the radar technique: it applies electromagnetic waves with ...
This thesis describes contributions made to improve atmospheric research tools through implementatio...