浮游植物的光合作用对海洋吸收太阳辐射的升温过程有一定的调节作用.为了更好地阐释这一调节作用,设定490; nm光照条件,采用3组吸收特征不同的水样,同步进行光照试验.结果显示,浮游植物的光合作用对海水的升温幅度产生17.9%~20.0%的减弱作用,说; 明次表层(10~50; m)海水因太阳辐射导致的升温幅度很可能与目前通用的海洋环流模式估算结果不一致,而影响程度会因不同海域的叶绿素浓度不同而有所差异.这一结果对于进一; 步完善海洋环流及气候模式中对各参数的模拟,更好地认识海洋浮游植物在调节气候变化中的作用,有一定的参考意义.Photosynthesis of phytoplankton has a modulation effect in warming of; the upper water column by absorbing solar radiation.To elucidate this; modulation effect,in this study,we presents results of an experiment; where three kinds of water samples were heated by light at 490 nm.lt is; found that the heating effect is reduced by 17.9% to 20.0% for; phytoplankton dominant waters compared with that of yellow-substance; dominant waters,although both have similar absorption properties ...
平成18~20年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書三重県英虞湾において, 以前開発した「プランクトン発生捕捉チャンバー(PETチャンバー)」を用いて植物プランクトンの現場海底からの発芽...
Phytoplanktonarten unterscheiden sich in ihren Ansprüchen hinsichtlich Ressourcen wie Nährstoffe, Li...
The study aimed to elucidate several of the mechanism which may induce phytoplankton size reduction ...
Les organismes unicellulaires photosynthétiques formant le phytoplancton sont la base de la producti...
Les dérèglements climatiques engendrés par l’activité anthropique vont fortement perturber les écosy...
Rising seawater temperatures and increased stratification that are associated with global warming ar...
Temperature and ultraviolet radiation B (UVB) are expected to increase in the next few decades and w...
Cell size is one of the ecologically most important traits of phytoplankton. The cell size variation...
Phytoplankton alter the absorption of solar radiation, affecting upper ocean temperature and circula...
Near-surface seawater containing the natural mix of phytoplankton, protozoa and bacteria was pumped ...
Predicting the responses of organisms is a complex challenge especially when water temperature is ex...
Unicellular photosynthetic organisms forming the phytoplankton are the basis of primary production. ...
‘‘It takes a village to finish (marine) science these days’’ Paraphrased from Curtis Huttenhower (th...
为了解胶州湾浮游植物的时空分布特征及其与环境因子的关系,对胶州湾浮游植物展开了为期1 a的双月调查,并分析了环境因子对浮游植物的影响。在15个站位的调查研究中,共发现浮游植物61属117种,其中硅藻4...
平成18~20年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書三重県英虞湾において, 以前開発した「プランクトン発生捕捉チャンバー(PETチャンバー)」を用いて植物プランクトンの現場海底からの発芽...
Phytoplanktonarten unterscheiden sich in ihren Ansprüchen hinsichtlich Ressourcen wie Nährstoffe, Li...
The study aimed to elucidate several of the mechanism which may induce phytoplankton size reduction ...
Les organismes unicellulaires photosynthétiques formant le phytoplancton sont la base de la producti...
Les dérèglements climatiques engendrés par l’activité anthropique vont fortement perturber les écosy...
Rising seawater temperatures and increased stratification that are associated with global warming ar...
Temperature and ultraviolet radiation B (UVB) are expected to increase in the next few decades and w...
Cell size is one of the ecologically most important traits of phytoplankton. The cell size variation...
Phytoplankton alter the absorption of solar radiation, affecting upper ocean temperature and circula...
Near-surface seawater containing the natural mix of phytoplankton, protozoa and bacteria was pumped ...
Predicting the responses of organisms is a complex challenge especially when water temperature is ex...
Unicellular photosynthetic organisms forming the phytoplankton are the basis of primary production. ...
‘‘It takes a village to finish (marine) science these days’’ Paraphrased from Curtis Huttenhower (th...
为了解胶州湾浮游植物的时空分布特征及其与环境因子的关系,对胶州湾浮游植物展开了为期1 a的双月调查,并分析了环境因子对浮游植物的影响。在15个站位的调查研究中,共发现浮游植物61属117种,其中硅藻4...
平成18~20年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書三重県英虞湾において, 以前開発した「プランクトン発生捕捉チャンバー(PETチャンバー)」を用いて植物プランクトンの現場海底からの発芽...
Phytoplanktonarten unterscheiden sich in ihren Ansprüchen hinsichtlich Ressourcen wie Nährstoffe, Li...
The study aimed to elucidate several of the mechanism which may induce phytoplankton size reduction ...