Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS) such as GeoGebra, Geometer's Sketchpad and Cabri Geometry offer a wealth of opportunities for an exploratory style of teaching and learning Mathematics, particularly in the exploration of space and shape. The new Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) foregrounds the use of spatial skills and properties of shapes and objects "to identify, pose and solve problems creatively and critically" (South Africa. DBE, 2011, p. 9). Although the South African Mathematics curriculum no longer places importance on traditional Euclidean construction by means of straightedge and compass, DGS can nonetheless be used to engage with fundamental ideas relating to geometric shapes, symmetry and transformations. This wa...
International audienceA unit on dynamic geometric construction was included in a professional develo...
Mathematics Education has been undergoing transformations, especially with regard to the new require...
In the study reported on here, we investigated the effects of the use of dynamic geometry software (...
Digital technologies have afforded many possibilities for the teaching and learning of mathematics a...
Visualisation in the mathematics classroom has its own pedagogical value and plays a significant rol...
The appropriate use of technology in mathematics teaching can greatly support the teaching and learn...
Presented as "GeoGebra in K-12 classrooms" at the Missouri Council of Teachers of Mathematics Fall M...
Presents a mathematics dynamic software to be used in education on high schools. This software bring...
Dynamic Geometry and Computer Algebra Systems have highly in-fluenced mathematics education. Unfortu...
This article presents possibilities of dynamic geometry software (SGD) use in geometry teaching. It ...
The need for fostering students' higher-order thinking as one of the twenty-first century mathematic...
Geometry is one of the important areas of mathematics over the world. Geometry provides experiences ...
Presented at the Interface Professional Development Event on February 23, 2009 in Osage Beach, Misso...
This article briefly summarises the research that has investigated the use of dynamic geometry softw...
Students learning experiences were investigated in geometry lesson when using Dynamic Geometry Softw...
International audienceA unit on dynamic geometric construction was included in a professional develo...
Mathematics Education has been undergoing transformations, especially with regard to the new require...
In the study reported on here, we investigated the effects of the use of dynamic geometry software (...
Digital technologies have afforded many possibilities for the teaching and learning of mathematics a...
Visualisation in the mathematics classroom has its own pedagogical value and plays a significant rol...
The appropriate use of technology in mathematics teaching can greatly support the teaching and learn...
Presented as "GeoGebra in K-12 classrooms" at the Missouri Council of Teachers of Mathematics Fall M...
Presents a mathematics dynamic software to be used in education on high schools. This software bring...
Dynamic Geometry and Computer Algebra Systems have highly in-fluenced mathematics education. Unfortu...
This article presents possibilities of dynamic geometry software (SGD) use in geometry teaching. It ...
The need for fostering students' higher-order thinking as one of the twenty-first century mathematic...
Geometry is one of the important areas of mathematics over the world. Geometry provides experiences ...
Presented at the Interface Professional Development Event on February 23, 2009 in Osage Beach, Misso...
This article briefly summarises the research that has investigated the use of dynamic geometry softw...
Students learning experiences were investigated in geometry lesson when using Dynamic Geometry Softw...
International audienceA unit on dynamic geometric construction was included in a professional develo...
Mathematics Education has been undergoing transformations, especially with regard to the new require...
In the study reported on here, we investigated the effects of the use of dynamic geometry software (...