During a series of experiments, bacteriological elements in scallop larval rearing were investigated: larvae susceptibility to pathogens as a function of their age, and the use of probiotic bacteria during larviculture. Younger larvae (d5 PF) were highly more susceptible to pathogenic-challenge than their older siblings, which were challenged at an older age (d15 PF). A challenge with 10(4) CFUmL(-1) of V. pectenicida killed 100% of d5 PF larvae 7days following challenge, yet killed only 9% of d15 PF larvae 9days following challenge. Use of the probiotics Phaeobacter gallaeciensis, Alteromonas macleodii 0444 and Neptunomonas sp. 0536, provided for larger larvae, a high yield of competent larvae and, perhaps more importantly, protection agai...