We report on spectroscopic observations of Saturn’s stratosphere in July 2011 with the Texas Echelon Cross Echelle Spectrograph (TEXES) mounted on the NASA InfraRed Telescope Facility (IRTF). The observations, targeting several lines of the CH4 4 band and the H2S(1) quadrupolar line, were designed to determine how Saturn’s stratospheric thermal structure was disturbed by the 2010 Great White Spot. A study of Cassini Composite In-frared Spectrometer (CIRS) spectra had already shown the presence of a large stratospheric disturbance centered at a pressure of 2 hPa, nicknamed the beacon B0, and a tail of warm air at lower pressures (Fletcher et al. 2012. Icarus 221, 560–586). Our observations confirm that the beacon B0 vertical structure deter...